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Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Volume 11, Issue 3, July-September, 2023
Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Volume 11, Issue 3, July-September, 2023
Effectiveness of Pet Animal Videos on Youth with State Anxiety
Ms. Gunjan Choughule
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation among Employees- Review Study
Vriti Monga, Siddharth Soni
Social Media Usage, Fear of Missing Out and Personality: A Comparative Study of Gen Z and Millennials
Shalini Sharma, Dhhruv Sachdeva, Jayent Malhotra, Tanya Juneja
Method of Loci, Deep Processing, and Shallow Processing: A Constructive Comparative Study of Memory Performance in Young Adults
Ashwin Shankaran
Detecting Sign Language for the Deaf and Mute Using Neural Networks
Basel A. Dabwan, Mukti E. Jadhav, Prachi Janrao, Avinash B. Kadam
A Study to Compare the Pattern of Neuro-Cognition among Single and Multiple Self Harm Attempters in Adult Population
Dr. Kanchan Kumari, Dr. Shiv Prasad, Dr. Dinesh Kataria, Dr. Sumit Rana, Dr. Mini Sharma
Job Burnout, Job Insecurity and Job Role Ambiguity among IT Employees
Mr. Balaji R., Ms. Soumya Simon
Spirituality and Multicultural Sensitivity among Young Adults in India
Agna M P
Understanding Teacher Students Relationship: Adolescents to Young Adulthood
Bhuvaneshwari Muthumari, Dr. Anjana Sinha
Attitude of Public towards Single Parenting
Miss. Suman.O, Pema Wangmo, Hridhya Rajeev, Vishak S P, Aromal M S
A Study on Attitude of Creative Teaching among B.Ed Teacher Trainees
Sharath Kumar C R, Prof. Praveena K B
An Analysis of the Neurobiological Causes and the Role of Brain in Procrastination
Sunav Bajaj, Dr. Jonas Richard A
Work Life Balance and Subjective Well Being among Working Professionals across Gender
Sandra P J, Ashwini H
Exploring the Gender Difference in Stress Perception and Temperament Amongst Adolescents Belonging to Lower Socio-Economic Background
Nandini Garg
Relationship between Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity, Fear of Intimacy and Body Image in Young Adults
Kritika Choudhary, Kakul Hai
Effect of Positive Affirmations on the Academic Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Personal Wellbeing of High School Students
Sahiti Gonaga
Exploratory Study of the relationship between Food Security and Eudemonic Happiness
Dr. Amita Srivastava
Relationship Between Body Image Avoidance and Psychological Well Being (18-30 Years)
Tanya Kaushik, Shruthi Rose
Influence of Modality-Specific Expertise in the Auditory and Visual Recall: An Exploratory Study
Mudra Dudwadkar, Ayisha Nazir, Erica Mavis, Abhishek B P
Social Media Influencer Influence on Customer Purchase Decision for Beauty Products
K S Deepika
Optimism and Psychological Well-Being among Yoga Practitioners
Shameema Abdul Azeez, Husna K. V., Dr. Sandhya Aravind C.A.
Influence of Career Satisfaction on Quality of Work Life of Employees in IT Sector
Maria Priyanka John, Dr. Molly Joy
Using Cinema Theaters to Promote Road Safety Education: A Conceptual Proposal for India
Satyajit Kharkar
Relationship between Risk Taking Behaviour and Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults
Shruthvi Jegannathan, Afra Fathima S.K., Dr. U.L. Bhuvaneswari
Work-Life Balance of Women Entrepreneurs
Supriya, Anand
Influence of Intellectual Humility and Guilt on Decision-making Styles among Adults from Kerala
Heba Ahmed, Dr. Lokesh L.
Environmental Sustainability can be Predicted by Mindfulness: Extensive Study Examining Mindfulness Traits and Pro-Environmental Behavior
Ayushi Pandwal, Dr. Rajesh Bhatt
Life Skills of Secondary School Girl Students in Relation to their Academic Anxiety
Dr. Goldy Gupta, Ms. Preeti
To Study the Correlation between Sub-Clinical Narcissism and Achievement–Motivation among Young Adults- A Correlational Study
Ujjwal Sahu, Diksha Patel, Rahul Varma
Empathy and Life Satisfaction Among Young Adults
Beefathima, Dr. Molly Joy
Impact of Over-Disciplined Environment on the Academic Performance of Adolescents in Indian Society
Rajshri, Angela Pandey
Competency Tool for Delivery Agents
Riya Khanna, Dr. Zuby Hasan
Job Satisfaction Scale: JSS-18 Revised Hindi Version
R.N. Singh, Shubhra S. Bhardwaj
Personality Traits of Children with Single Parents: Is there a Difference?
Arindam Lahiri, Dr. Rajni Verma
Personal Growth Initiative and Curiosity as Predictors of Creativity in University Students
Aditi Ghosh Dastidar
The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being Among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Correlational Study
Miss Anjali Kewate, Mr. Mrityunjay Bandyopadhyay, Miss Sushmita Mazumdar
Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Shaping Attitude towards Homosexuality among College Students
Mr. Mrityunjay Bandyopadhyay, Mr. Rahul Varma
Comparative Analysis of Stress Management among Homemakers and Working Women in Kerala
Latha P.K.
The Relationship between Professional Quality of Life, Emotion Regulation and Quality of Sleep among Psychologists
Relationship between Marital Adjustment, Depression, Stress and Anxiety among Young Adults
Subbiksha Ravikumar, Lajwanti M Jethwani
Study the Effect of Masculinity on Symptoms of Depression among Indian Seafarers
Sakhi Verma, Dr. Neelima Goswami
Locus of Control and Mental Health among Married and Unmarried Women
Dr. Rajendra Kumbhar
Childhood Trauma and Psychiatric Co-occurrence: A DSM-5 Cross Cutting Measure based Study
Ms. Alisha Arora, Dr. Madhumita Bhattacharyya, Prof. (Dr.) Daya Ram
An Investigation into the Relationship Between the Commitment of Employees and Their Performance
Dr. Amrapali Jogdand, Dr. Amruta Magar
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience as Correlates of Psychological Well Being in Young Adults
Sakshi Nagpal, Dr. Shruti Dutt
Stress Coping and Mental Well-Being in Gym Going Population among Adults
Lekha U., Dr. Molly Joy
Studying the Relationship Between Gambling Addiction and General Mental Health
Prakrati Taterwal, Dr. Anupama Shrivastva
Addressing Anxiety and Burnout in Sportspersons: The Potential of Animal-Assisted Therapy as an Intervention
Arun Jose, Varsha Singh
A Study on the Impact of Authoritarian Parenting Style on the Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement in Young Adults
Somya, Dr. Seema Singh
Role of Internet Addiction Disorder in Emotional Intelligence among University Students
Rabya Khatoon, Mona Tabassum, Irfan Khan
Exploring Remedial Education with Children Diagnosed with Learning Disabilities: A Comprehensive Review
Pratiksha Nikam
Social Connectedness, Academic Self-efficacy and Life Satisfaction among International and Domestic College Students from India
Ms. Susan Merin Varghese, Ms. Anitha Mary Mathew
Déjà vu —Moments Relived
Naresh Kumar
Role of Socio-Demographic Variables on Cognitive Functioning among Older People in Andhra Pradesh
Dr. K. Lalitha, Mr. B.V.K. Dheeraj
Interpersonal Victimhood and Perceived Stress Among Young Adults
Prathipaasri D
Wives as Caregivers of Persons having Mental Illness: Structural Stigma and Intersectionality Revisited
Arpita De, Sonali De
‘Kali, the Asura’: The Human-like Manifestation of the Non- Human
Somya Sharma
Burnout and Satisfaction Level Among General Surgeons: A Preliminary Survey
Mitesh Hood, Dr. Vaibhav Kapoor, Dr. Garima Sawhney, Dr Shaloo Varma, Dr. Madhu Ranjana, Dr. Sushant Khurana
Quality of Life and Burden of Care among Caregivers of Treatment Adherent and Non- Adherent Patients with Schizophrenia
Rohit Tiwari, Priti Singh, Onshi Taneja
A Study of Curiosity and Problem Solving among Secondary School Students of Ranchi City
Roselina Singh, Sharmin Equbal
Emotional Intelligence and Academic Stress in Psychology and Non-Psychology Students
Abiya Grace Mathew
Correlation Between Aggression and Loneliness Among Youth
Dr. Deepak Jahagirdar, Sarthak Patidar
Does Body Shaming Affect Self-esteem and Impulsive Buying Behavior?
Sakshi Kalal
To Study Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Used by Military Personnel of Remotely Located Air Base
Surgeon Captain Udaya IB, Dr. Swati Scientist ‘D’(DRDO)
Study on Peer Pressure, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Alcohol Usage Among Young Adults
Shivansh Kapoor
The Impact of Personality Traits on Career Indecision in Young Adults
Sapna Kanjani
Understanding Acculturation Attitude and Perceived Discrimination among Dominant (Mainstream Society) and Non-dominant (Tea Tribes) Groups in Assam
Akankshya Kashyap
Effectiveness of Arts based Therapy in Improving Emotional Expression and Self Image of Children Affected by Covid-19 Pandemic
Shaikh Shaistabi Hisamuddin
Emotional Intelligence and Aggression among University Students
Altaf Hussain Ganie, Hilal Ahmad Malla
The Impact of Gratitude and Hope on the Optimism among College Students- An Analysis using Broaden and Build Theory
Anshika Aggarwal
The Influence of Gender and Parental Qualification on Intelligence Scores in Adolescents
P. Karthikeyan, Dr. R. John Louis Manoharan
Attachment Style and Intimacy among Romantic Relationships
Akansha Kumari, Dr. Rema M.K.
Adaptive Defense Styles as Character Strengths: Exploring the Links
Anubhuti Jain, Prof. Madhurima Pradhan, Prof. Vivek Agarwal
Influence of Hope, Optimism, Resilience and Sense of Humor on Compassion Fatigue among Mental Health Professionals
Surbhi Chandna, Dr. Anjali Sahai
Are Central Schools Really More Accommodating to Students than Provincial Schools and Does Gender Play a Role?
Ab Qayoom Ganai, Prof. Mohammad Iqbal Mattoo
Women’s Mental Health: A Narrative Review
Dr. Jayesh Ghodke, Neoshi Vora, Akanksha Gupta
Is Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Influenced by a Personality Trait or a Commitment?
Devi. S, S. Karunanidhi
Estimation of Prevalence of Depression Anxiety and Quality of Life Among Postmenopausal Women in Rural Community of Dharmapuri District-TamilNadu
Dr. Pavana (PT), Ms. Kavya. R
Understanding the Correlation and Gender Differences between Self-Esteem and Social Connectedness of Adolescents in the Indian Context
Pritika Thukral, Jiya Singhal, Pragya
Achievement Anxiety among 12th Grade and UG Final Year Students
Ms. Kripa Ann Thomas, Ms. Sampreeti Das
A Study on Marital Adjustment among the Married Women Residing in Rural and Urban Areas of Sikkim
Sunaina Subba, C. Lalfamkima Varte
Personality and Anxiety: Psychological Study on Boys and Girls
Sushmita Singh
Personality and Sex as Correlates of Activities Engaged in Facebook among Undergraduates
Balantine Ugochukwu Eze
Religious Practices and Gender Differences: A Psychological Review
Gobind, Pinki, Dr. Krishan Kumar Sony, Rakesh Kumar Behmani
Counsellor Competency for Non-Academic Issues: A Conceptual Framework for Indian School Counsellors
Anvitha Keremutt
Understanding the Factors that Affect Employee Productivity and Job Satisfaction
Shreya Sharma
Modernization in Women and their Attitude towards Domestic Violence
Dr. Mumal Chawra
Comparative Analysis of Life Skills Education: Global Perspectives and Challenges in India
Nilofar Pathan, Prof. J. N. Amin
Relationship between Perceived Social Support, Trust, Fear of Expressing Compassion towards Others and Helping Attitude in the Indian Youth
Ms. Nupur Pai, Ms. Neha Bhansali
Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation in Relation to Restrictive-Permissive Model of Parenting Style among School Students of Ranchi Town
Shahbaz Rozy, Dr. M. P. Hassan
The Power of Reminiscence Therapy: Unlocking Memories and Enhancing Well-being
Mr. Basavaraj S. Hukkeri, Dr. Sujatha Vijaykumar
Cyberbullying in the 21st Century: A Rising Threat to Youth in Digital Age
Mohinder Singh
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Breaking the Silence on the Hidden Challenges for Women
Smrutishree Biswal, Dr. PrabhudarsanSahoo
The Lingering Effect of the Pandemic: Impact on Social, Emotional and Educational Aspects of Students’ Lives
Ms. Shreya Gandhi, Mr. Vikram Soni, Mr. Jitin Chawla
Impact of Art Therapy on Non-Verbal Intelligence Quotient and Attention Age among children’s in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Patient at Smile Train CLC BMJH
Ms. Ayesha Anjum
Occupational Stress and Wellbeing Among Teachers
Divya Merin Mathew
The Effect of Game Play Intervention on Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Pooja Sengupta, Dr. Tilottama Mukherjee
Effect of Disappearance on Psychological Distress, Coping Response and Quality of Life among Families of Disappeared Persons in Kashmir Valley- A Meta Analysis Study
Haroon Rashid, Dr. Anita Puri Singh, Ashiq Hussain War
Gender Stereotypes, Societal Pressure and Emotional Expression among Men
Zaiba Kulsum. A., Dr. Anjana Sinha
Relationship between Parenting Styles, Attachment Styles & Emotion Regulation of College Students
Rini Alfred, Dr. Smriti Sethi
Burnout and Self-Efficacy among Short-Tenure and Long-Tenure Blue-Collar Workers
Meera S. Nath, Dr. Kiran Babu NC
Perceived Parenting Styles on Locus of Control and Coping Strategies among Young Adults
Aashi Jain, Dr. Lokesh L.
A Study on Etiology of Co-Habitation in Bangalore
Mrs. Suman O., Dr. Jamuna KV, Ms. Janvi Jaiswal
Effect of Online Fandom Interactions in the Development of Safe Space for the Queer Community
Yukta Sharma, Dr. Shikha Singh
Burnout and Emotional Regulation among Medical Students
Srinidhi Pulloori, Dr. Deepthi Vijayan
Sexual Minorities Students in Educational Institutions: Identity and Other Challenges Faced by LGBTQ Individuals
Ashish Kumar, Dr. Reema Gill, Dr. Nidhi Verma
Staying Five-feet Apart from Commitment
Sarthak Paliwal, Aastha Rana
Comparative Study of Medical and Other Stream Students about Self-Concepts
Dr. Gauri M. Kulkarni
Relationship of Decision Making Style with Grit and Adjustment
Harshita Sharma, Dr. Zuby Hassan
Revenge Porn: A Peep into its Awareness among the Youth of Tamilnadu, India
Mohammed Marzuk T.M., Vijayasarathy R., Madona Mathew
Smartphone Use, Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Social Connectedness among College Students
Nikitha S Patani, Dr. Kiran Babu N C
Organizational Climate and Workplace Citizenship among Women in the ITES and Manufacturing Sector
Pallavi Tata, Dr. Molly Joy
Achievement Motivation among Higher Secondary School Students
Dr. Mitalben M. Jadav
Enhancing Resilience and Reactive Proactive Aggression through Integrated Intervention among Sexually Abused Children
V. Vineetha, Dr. A. Velayudhan
Role of Music Preference and Gender on Quality of Life
Anamika, Sheo Sagar Prasad
Critical Appraisal on Sattvavajaya Chiktsa and its Possible Correlation & Integration with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Aeshwarya Raj, Jyoti Shankar Tripathi
Influence of Multi-Tasking Over Executive Functioning among Mental Health Professionals
Shruthvi Jegannathan, Dr. U.L. Bhuvaneswari
Would You be Friends with a Juvenile?
Mr. Nikhil Mishra
Capturing College Students’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Photovoice Initiative
Novena Nirel Jacob
Exploring the Synergy: An In-depth Review of Social Skills, Academic Achievement, and Peer Relationships within Cooperative Learning Environments
Vikas Singh Jat, Dr. Deepak Jahagirdar
The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem in the Relationship between Diabetic Self-Management and Well-Being among Diabetic Patients
Pavana Sivakumar, Dr. Jessy Fenn
Social Media Usage and Parent Child Relation: An Analysis
Amritharaj K, Manikandan K
Seafarer’s Psychology: A Traditional-Modern Paradox of Self-Reliance and Emotional Stability
Shatakshi Joshi, Dr. Rimpa Sarkar
A Study on Attachment Styles and Virginity Beliefs Based on Young Adults in India
Vanshika Shukla
Romantic Dating Relationships Conflict & Mental Health among Young Adults
Goury G Nair, Dr. Anjana Sinha
Relationship between Perceived Stress and Creativity in Adolescents
Shubham Ohlan
Review Paper on the Effect of Emotionally Neglectful Childhood on Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Adulthood
Niti Desai
Psychological Well-being among Youth
Jadav Manmohanbhai Bharatbhai
The Influence of Mindfulness on Hope, Resilience, and Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults
Manya Bhardwaj, Dr. Mohammad Imran
Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on the Relationship between Child and Parent and the Strategies to Maintain It
Soumya Mozumder, Sandhya Bhatt
Trait Mindfulness, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Emotional Reactivity Among Married and Unmarried Indian Adults
Selvamani, M., Mathew, A.M.
A Study on Etiology of Terrorism in India
Dr. Jamuna KV, Ms. Monika Gudapati, Ms. Thrisha A Disley, Mr. Shanwil Shaun D Souza, Mr. Shreyas Sreekumar
To Study Life Satisfaction and Resilience Among Married Woman and Unmarried Women of Nuclear Family of Urban Bangalore- A Comparative Study
Ms. Dhruthi S Prasad
Religiosity, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Self Esteem among Young Adults
Rumana Zaib, Cynthia Sara James
Effect of Practicing Gratitude on Mental Health: A Review
Ashwani Kumar, Jagjit Singh
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Gender on Career Conflict among Board Students
Dr. Rekha Joshi, Dr. Deepika Tripathi
The Relationship between Spirituality, Optimism and Psychological Wellbeing among Adolescents
Parimala Glory, Ms. Soumya Simon
The Acethetic Identity: Exploring Lived Experiences of Asexuality
Prakriti, Nisha Gupta, Charvi
Impact of Psychological Capital on Employee Wellbeing
Dr. (Ms.) Subhashree Panda
Hypercompetitive Attitude and Achievement Anxiety among Young Adults
Ms. Joan Mary John, Dr. Molly Joy
Unveiling Connections: A Correlational Study on the Interplay between Smartphone Addiction and Sleep Quality, among Post-Graduate Students in a Post-Pandemic Setting
Shridhar S.N., Dr. Thippesh K.
The Effect of Conflict Resolution Styles, Individual Protective Factors and Humor on Relationship Satisfaction of Heterosexual Romantic Couples
Akula Bisht, Dr. Kaushlendra Mani Tripathi
Self-Perceptions of Elderly About Facilities at Their Homes: A Sociological Analysis
Praveen Kumar, Meenu Singh
Do We Watch What Matches our Personality? Movie Preferences and Personality
Mishma Jef Treasa
Provisions of Safe, Secure and Conducive Learning Environment in Schools
Mohd Shahid Kumar, Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Kumar
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and the Promotion of Mental Health Services in Different Industries: An Analysis of the Indian Workplace
Mahak Kabra
Relationship between Cognitive Failures: Forgetfulness, Distractibility, False Triggering; and Absentmindedness among Young Adult Smartphone Users in Mumbai
Devanshi Shah, Dr. Anuja Deshpande
Grit and Locus of Control in Repeaters of Competitive Exams
Ms. Manasa M
Relationship between General Attitude towards Marriage and Aspects of Marriage in Young Adults
Ms. Tamizarasi K., Dr. Juliana Jecinth R. B.
Infidelity and Social Media: Investigating Differences in Social Media Use among Perpetrators and Victims of Infidelity
Parvati Varma
Psychological Well-Being and Locus of Control among Underprivileged Learners
Poornesh Sharma K, Dr. Vandana Jain
Behind Closed Doors: The Shadow Pandemic of Domestic Violence during Covid-19
Shahzada Akhter, Monika Chibb, Nazneen Fatima
The Role of Media and Cartoons in Increasing Aggression
Vanshika Kaushik
Experiences of Frontline Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 in India
Chawla Harshita, Golchha Moulika, Rupani Niharika K., Sharma Tejasvini
The Experience of Psychological Pain in Indian Young Adults
Udita Bandyopadhyay, Dr. Anjana Sinha
Attachment Styles, Resilience and Mindfulness among Young Adults
Kashish Kriplani, Dr. Deepthi Vijayan
Attitude toward Homosexuality, Gender Role Beliefs and Religiosity among Mental Health Professionals
Krishna Priya S Prabhu, Dr. Anjana Sinha
Current Updates on Visuospatial Working Memory in Cerebral Palsy: A Mini Narrative Review
Nitya Ann Eapen
Associated Factors and Psychological Management of Trichotillomania
Sangita Kumari, Ankesh Anand
Relationship between Intelligence, Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement among Higher Secondary School Students: A Study
Dr. Anup Kumar Pokhriyal, Usha Martolia Pangtey
The Effectiveness of Rehabilitations in Prisons and the Criminal Justice System
Suman O, Nishchal Sigdel, Reshma S., Bhanu Teja, Sandra SC, Razi TK
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Interventions for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Systematic Review
Maryam Ansari
Self-Labeling as Having Mental Health Illness among Psychology Students
Aishwarya Balakrishnan, Dr. Akshaya I
Fear of Failure, Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance among College Students
P Nayantara Nair, Ms. Deepmala Sutar
Study the Relationship between Sports Competition Anxiety, Hardiness, and Intrinsic Motivation among Young Adults
Dr. Kakul Hai, Ms. Shubhika Gupta
Mathematics Anxiety and Self-Esteem among Young Adults Aged 18-30 Years
Ruchi Singh, Lajwanti M Jethwani
Exploring the Dynamics of Child Abuse: Implications for Prevention and Intervention
Sangita Kumari, Nilam Tiru
Attitude Towards Air Pollution and Noise Pollution among College Students
Kuldeep Chavada, Dr. Shailesh Raval
Love Components and Self Esteem in Romantic Relationships among Young Adults: The Role of Phubbing
Sampurna Nag, Ms. Shruthi Rose
Education and Women During Pandemic -2020
Dr. Shanta Y. Bangari
Critical Review of Oscillatory Alpha-Band Mechanisms and the Deployment of Spatial Attention to Anticipated Auditory and Visual Target Locations: Supramodal or Sensory-Specific Control Mechanisms?
Ashwin Shankaran
Correlates of Superstitious Belief among Young Adults in India
Ms. Srishti Chelwani, Ms. Resham Agarwal, Mr. Samir Khan
Perceived Aspects of Comfortable and Composed Bharatanatyam Poses and its Phenomenological Benefits Among Experienced Bharatanatyam Dancers
Sahasra Sham Rao, V. Premanand
Maternal Perspectives on Parenting Adolescents: Insights from Kerala – India
Valsamma Chacko, Elizabeth Thomas, Jasmine Joseph
A Study on Romantic Attachment Style and Parasocial Relationships
Asees Singh Sibia, Maya Jaypal, Saanika Sagar, Samantha Ann Thomas, Sanjana Sai Prasad, Dr. Prof. Blessy Ann Varghese
A Study of First Love at Sight and Marriage Stability with Digit Ratio
Tanujit Mondal
Birth Order Effects on Emotional Maturity and Psychological Hardiness among Adolescents
Nicole James, Dr. Neelima Ranjith
Perceived Stress and Quality of Life among College Students
Ms. Shekinah
A Study of Aggression of School Going Adolescents
Mrs. Arti Choudhary
The Role of Media on Shaping of Body Image: A Gender Difference Study
Manisha Saha
Mental Health Knowledge, Belief Towards Mental Illness and Psychological Well-Being among Adolescents
Heera Joseph, Ms Lajwanti M Jethwani
Psychological Ownership, Optimism, and Achievement Goal Orientation among College Students
Anu Achamma Varghese, Soumya Simon
Relationship among Perceived Leadership Styles, Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction of Female Teachers
Megha Adhikari, Dr. Chandana Aditya
Addressing Homelessness as a Public Health Concern in the Context of COVID-19: Experience from the “Udayam Project”, Kozhikode
G. Ragesh, Sruthi Sivadas, Chandni R., Asma Rahim
Child-Rearing Practices and Academic Achievement of High and Low-Achieving Underprivileged Girls-A Comparative Study
Dr. Preeti Bala
Relationship between the Personality Traits and Creativity Style among College Students
Tanu Shree Sharma, Dr. K. M. Tripathi
Effect of Altruism on Happiness and Meaning in Life
Riza Khan, Dr. Mohammad Imran
Relationship between Parenting Styles, Anxiety and Subjective Well-being among College Going Students
Jaya Mishra, Dr. Smriti Sethi
The Impact of Social Support and Emotional Intelligence on Impulsiveness in Young Adults
Kriti Singh
Influence of Self- Concept and Personality Trait on The Level of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female
Gunjan Bhatia, Dr. Shruti Dutt
Complicated Grief among Alcohol Users and Drug Users
Somya Tomar, Dr. Deepthi DP
Perceived Discrimination, Acculturative Stress and Social Isolation among the Displaced Kashmiri Pundits: A Qualitative Exploration
Navshad Ahmad Wani
Metaverse in Creativity – Present and Future
Soumya Jacob P, Dr. Uma Warrier, Aparna Warrier
Work-life Balance and Happiness among School Educators
Rhea Mahajan, Dr. Seema Singh
Impact of Locus of Control Orientation on Proneness to Maladaptive Daydreaming
Anmol Kumar Chauhan
Boredom, Sadism, and Psychological Distress: A Correlational Study among Violent Web Series/Movies Viewers
Samuel Rukshshan Thevapriyan, Nikita Vishal Kasabe
A Study on the Language-Related Adjustment Problems of Pupil-Teachers
Arabinda Kumar Sahoo, Poonam Singh Kharwar
Quality of Work Life and Work Engagement among IT Employees
Aradhana Wilson Nathaniel
Non Dual Awareness and Emotional Regulation: A Correlational Study
Unnati Jain
Perception of Law Enforcement Officials and Legal Experts towards Eyewitness Competency
Suman O., Aswin Pramod, Alaka Nanda M.S., Sanjana S.B., Mallikarjun
Influence of Emotional Maturity and Types of Attachment Styles on Adult Romantic Relationships
Rajoshree Guha, Dr. Mamata Mahaptara
Study on Disability and Psychological Problems of Individual with Alcohol Dependence
Ashish Kumar Yadav, Narendra Kumar Singh, Sanjay Kumar Munda, Harkishan Mamtani, Mohit Shukla
A Comparative Study of Social Skills among Secondary Students of Conventional and Boarding Schools
Dr. Sushila Jaglan, Ms. Aarti, Ms. Aarti
A Case of a Foreign National with Schizophrenia Who Visited India and Relapsed During Her Stay: A Psychiatric Social Work Perspectives
Dr. Sangeeta Gotewal, Dr. Arif Ali
Journey of an Amputee: Overcoming Limitations and Pursuing Extra-ordinary Sports
Dr. Markanda Chandra Dash, Dr. R.K. Manocha, Dr. Priyanka Behera, Dr. Asutosh Kapoor
The Mighty Cell Phone and Nomophobia: Echo of Scholar’s Material Possession and Extended Self
Mr. Amit Das, Mr. Mahantesh Karagi
Value Orientation and Academic Achievement of Female Higher Secondary School Students: A Comparative Analysis
Shahzada Akhter, Dr. Najmah Peerzada
A Study of Smartphone Addiction and Quality of Sleep Among Young Adults
Ms. Snekha
Rising Concerns among Healthcare Students of South Asian Countries- A Study on Cyberchondriasis, Medical Student Disease, and Health Anxiety between MBBS and M.Sc. Clinical Psychology Students
Ms. Jennifer Mazumder, Dr. Juliana Jecinth R. B.
Fear of Negative Evaluation and Perfectionism Among Young Adults in Kerala
Radhika T.H., Vigraanth Bapu K.G.
Mindful Walking and Personality Traits among University Students
Sonia Shivakoty
Relationship between Hypermasculinity and Rejection Sensitivity among Young Adults in India
Internet Addiction and Nomophobia among Pre-University Students
Ankalesh B N, Kavya U, Santhosh R
Impact of Academic Stress on Career Decision Making and Psychological Well-Being among Adolescents
Anjali Kamath, Dr. Anganabha Baruah
Female Serial Killers: A Review
Mr. Dnyaneshwar Navanath Tanpure, Ms. Devangi Nathani
Internalized stigma, Self-esteem, and Depression among Patients with Alcohol Substance Use Disorder
Afrah P.S., Vimala M.
Organizational Commitment and Job Performances of IT Employees
Namrata Ann Kiran, Ms. Lajwanti M Jethwani
The Montessori Approach to the Teaching – Learning Process
Prof. Birbal Saha, Anasuya Adhikari
Social Media Causes Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Substance Abuse among Adolescents
Tanvi Kothari
The Impact of Social Services and Interventions on the Well-being of Children living in Slums
Tanisha Chauhan, Taanya Ahuja, Dr. Amanpreet Kaur
Application of Quality of life, Problem Solving Skills and Treatment Motivation through Motivational Enhancement Therapy among Individuals with Alcohol Dependence
Roshni, Rohit Kumar Turi
The Mental Gremlins of Inspector Javert: Can Psychoanalysis of a Fictional Character Throw Light on The Culprit Behind Harm OCD?
Shaswata Sengupta
Men Are Stoic, or Are They?: Emotional Suppression in Men and its Relation with Masculinity Norms
Dhairya Mohla, Dr. Neera
Achievement Motivation and Resilience among Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Adolescents
Krishnapriya V., Dr. Saheera K T
Inclusivity in a Gendered Society
Sucheta Das
Impact of Social Media on Anxiety and Eating Disorders
Pragun Aggarwal
Marital Satisfaction among Newly Married Couples: A Post COVID Pandemic Study in India
Saravana K, Ramesh B, Sachin BS, Rajashekar C
Psychological Distress and General Well-being of Deaf and Hearing Students: A Comparative Study
Ms. Padmajai
A Study on the Association between Online Education and the Social Competence of Indian College Students Post Pandemic
George Jose, Dakshina S, Gayatri S, Ishitha Thapa, Jibini Mariyam Binu
Academic Stress on Menstrual Cycle among Adolescents
Gopika K. Govind, Dr. Gayathri Devi MS
A Cross-Sectional Study on Suicidal Ideation and Depression among School-Going Adolescents
Ms. Hemlata Sharma, Mr. Pranaya Rai
Altruism and Burnout among Working Young Adults
Zacharia Johnson, Dr. Anjana Sinha
Effect of Residential Status of Schools on Adult Attachment Styles and Self Esteem
Sharanya Jakhmola
A Study on Drug Abused Youth of North Kashmir Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir India
Ashiq Hussain War, Dr A.K.S Kushwaha, Pramod Kumar Verma, Isha Joshi
Attachment Style and Social Network Addiction among College Students
Femi Sara George, Dr. Deepthi Vijayan
Impact of Neurotherapy Treatment in Pain Relief among Patients having Low Back Pain
Ram Gopal Parihar, Ajay Gandhi
Female-To-Me: A Case Study Exploring the Shifting Sense of Personal, Social & Cultural Self in an FTM Transman from India
Mehar Kaur Luthra
Child Sexual Abuse: Analysis of its Aetiology, Models and Consequences; Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence
Lakshmi Priya J, Dr. Usha Rani S
Influence of Social Networking Usage on the Levels of Attention Control and Perceived Memory Functioning Ability of the Young Adults
Uttara Das Chaudhuri, Dr. Mohammad Imran
Emotional Regulation Strategies, Alexithymia and Cravings in Alcohol Dependent Men
Ankitdeep Kamboj, Palak Upadhyay, Bholeshwar Prasad Mishra, Pankaj Kumar, Lovepreet Singh
Impact of Sport Participation on Personality and Positive-Negative Affect of Adolescents
Rajnish Chandra Tripathi, Baby Naushi, Shabana Bano
An Investigation of the Role of Parenting styles and Siblings in School Bullying Behaviors
Ajay M Reje, Atulya Mohan
Effectiveness of Multidisciplinary Team Intervention in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
R. Thyagarajan, N. Swathi, R. Shanthi, K. Keerthi, M. Akhila Shree, Sd. Safa, Rithika T.
Perceived Parenting Styles on Emotional Regulation and Social Anxiety among Young Adults
Srikari Cheruvu, Deepthi D P
Family Pathology and Adjustment among Young Adolescents
Ananya Kamboj
Effects of Self Efficacy & Locus of Control on Creativity at Workplace
Nimisha Sharma
Impact of Work Stress on Job Performance and Its Association with Aggression among BPO Employees
Tanmoy Das, Dr. Rajat Kanti Mitra
Impact of Dance/Movement Therapy on Emotion Regulation-A Study on Geriatric Population
D Lakshmi Priya, Dr. Molly Joy
The Relationship Between Traits of Dark Triad and Aggression among Young Adults
Disha Chauhan, Dr. Imran Hussain
NEP 2020: Issues and Challenges Ahead in Teacher Education
Dr. M. Ravi Babu
Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health of Working People
Asma Hasan, Dr. Sheetal Yadav
Understanding Mental Health Related Issues of Students with Disabilities
Dr. Ratan Sarkar
The Role of Flourishing in Organizations
Ms. Garima Singh, Dr. Archana Shukla
National Education Policy 2020: Current Issues and Reimagining the Future of Higher Education
Prasenjit Das, Gouri Das, Dr. Pranab Barman
Emotional Intelligence and Helping Attitude among Young Adults
Jenitta A.J., Dr. Rema M.K.
Relationship between Self-Esteem and Aggression among Young Adults
Vanshika Arora
Relationship between Gratitude and Altruism in Young Adults
Miss. Drishti Bai, Mr. Mrityunjay Bandyopadhyay, Mr. Ujjwal Sharma
Adolescent’s Aggression: Influenced by the Two-way Relationship between Parents and Adolescents
Priyanka Krishna Patil
The Relationship between Mindfulness, Bedtime Procrastination, Smartphone Addiction and General Well Being in Emerging Adults
Siddhi Aiya, Neha Bhansali
Effects of Body Self-Image on Sexuality: A Study among College Students
Pranika Vohra
Sexism and Attitude towards Rape Victim among College Students
Elsa Joseph, Dr. Deepthi Vijayan
Sleep Quality on Mental Health among Young Adults
Lamyah Hasana
Teacher Fatigue and Student Motivation in Online Learning Environments among Young Adults
Ms. Sradha S Anand, Ms. Lajwanti M. Jethwani
Fulfilled Needs for Scholastic Deeds: Post-Pandemic Investigation of Need Satisfaction and Academic Achievement
Atulya Mohan, Dr. Meera S Neelakantan
Organizational Commitment to Change, Goal Orientation, Organizational Orientation and Tolerance of Ambiguity in Private Sector Employees
Arupuda Mary Rajan
Perceived Parenting Style, Ego Resilience and Optimism among Young Adults
Emisha A., Dr. Arjun Sekhar PM
Internet Addiction and Social Anxiety Among Adolescents Post Covid in Digital World
Chanchal Sehrawat, Dr. Neelam Pandey
A Study of Relationship between Emotional Regulation and Psychological Distress among Undergraduate College Students of Jammu District
Neelam Kumari, Dr. Pallavi Sachdeva
Perceived Stress, Coping, Psychological Well-Being, and Alcohol- Dependent Usage among Young Adults
S. Sujatha, Dr. Smriti R. Sethi
Death Anxiety and Life Satisfaction among Elderly Living with Family and in Old Age Home
Kausthubha A
Effect of Self-Compassion Intervention on Resilience among Young Adults with Childhood Trauma
Neeha Jose, Sritha Sandon
Defense Styles and Personality Among Young Adults
Vimal Kumar S.V., Jasseer J.
Perceived Social Support, Perceived Stress and Personal Growth Initiative among Young Adults Living Away from Home
Nivetha Priyadharshini V, Ms. Soumya Simon
Midlife Crisis in Indian Men and Women
Brindashree Hazra, Prof. Dipanjana Chatterjee
Irrational Procrastination, Emotional Regulation and Hopelessness among students of Psychology
Prerana Nandish, Vimala M.
Effect of Dysbiosis in Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract on the Severity of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: A Literature Review
Ai Shin, LIM
Impact of Substance Use on Subjective Well-Being
Mahima Nagpal
Unravelling: A Study to Explore the Intricate Relationship Between Problem Behaviors and Resilience in Youth
Ms. Nijampuram Anusha, Ms. Iqra Mubeen Bala, Dr. Komala M
Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence, Self-compassion and Test Anxiety
Deepali Pandit
ICU Delirium: Psychological Management and Mental Health Care among Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit
Ms. Tulika Sharma, Dr. Vanita Govil, Ms. Shailja Ahuja
Erotic Transference as a Presentation of cPTSD: A Case Report using TF-CBT
Parth Sharma
Anxiety among Government and Private School Teachers
Dr. Niru K. Khati
Gender Differences in ADHD: A Cross-sectional Hospital based Study
Fatimah Ali, Aasiya Niyaz
Navigating Anger and Mastering its Management
Niharika Shukla, Dr. Archana Shukla
A Study of The Effect of Personality Traits on Prosocial Behavior among Youth
Dr. Deepak Jahagirdar, Abhishek Ishwardan
Relationship between Imposter Phenomenon and Compassion Fatigue among Clinical Psychology Trainees
Purva Agarwal, Dweep Chand Singh, Deepika Srivastav
Child Sexual Abuse from Child to Child: Prevalence, Impact, and Prevention Strategies
Tulsi Kumari Singh, Abhishek Kabiraj
The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Different Dimensions of Perfectionism: The Role of Self-Critical, Rigid, and Narcissistic Perfectionism in College Students
Mansi Agarwal, Dr. Molly Joy
Instagram Addiction and Narcissism among Young Adults in Bangalore
Ms. Haritha H., Dr. Rema M.K.
Education and Mental Health: A Review
Monika Chibb, Nazneen Fatima, Shahzada Akhter
A Study on the Etiology of Sexual Abuse
Dr. Jamuna K.V., Reema Shameem, Raghul K., Sourav Suresh Nair, Sarangi Suresh, Shree Vaishnavi
Problems and Challenges of Education System during COVID-19 Pandemic in India
Deepak Kumar, Tanya Sharma, Ravi P. Pandey, Pramod Kumar, Vivek Singh
The Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Effects of Animal Assisted Interventions on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Systematic Review
Jheel Mehta
Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Coping skill and Problem Solving among Depression
Mr. Rohit Kumar Turi, Dr. Jai Prakash
Achievement Motivation and Sleep Quality among Young Adults Across Gender
Akshay Mohan, Maheshbabu. N.
Student Life: The Golden Life – A Psychological Perspective
Dr. Triza Janifer Toppo
Anger and Locus of Control among Adolescents with and without Siblings
Huma Sadiq, Sharmili Chatterjee
Coping with Expectations of Marriage: Stories of Sexual Minority Women in Urban India
Rasika Avinash Godbole
Garbh Sanskar: Preparation of Motherhood
Pragya Verma, Dr. Archana Shukla
The Role of Social Comparison and Self-Concept on Emotional Intelligence among Adolescents
Anshika Rana, Dr. Rajat Kanti Mitra
Religion, Terrorism and Inter-Community Relations: An Analysis of Jammu and Kashmir
Kamran Zarri, Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Quality of life, Anxiety & Depression of Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study on Garhwal Region
Prof. Manju Pandey, Vandana Surira
A Study on Emotional Intelligence, Gaslighting, And Happiness on Male and Female Employees in the Workplace
Suparshi Jain
Dispositional Optimism and Perceived Stress Among Students
Ms. Mariya Agnes, Dr. Molly Joy
Psychometric Tool Development for Binge-Watching Scale
Samuel Rukshshan Thevapriyan, Keerthi P, Elesha K Jayachandran, Jissil V Chacko, Vinayak S, S Saranya, Amrutha K V, Sharfeena K, Anand G
A Correlational Study of Belief in A Just World on Assertiveness and Wellbeing among Young Adults
Saisri Chiluvuri
Stress and Psychological Well-Being among Youth During Covid-19 Pandemic in Kerala
Delna Dennis, Dr. Soumya Starlet C.T.
Relationship between Forgiveness and Happiness in Context with Gender among Adults
Sucheta, Sheo Sagar Prasad
Satisfaction of Young Indian Adults with their Family
Vidhi Shaunik, Dr. Pushpita Behera
Childhood Experiences, Recent Traumatic Experiences and Meta-cognition as Correlates and Predictors of Passive-aggressive Behaviour among Clinical Psychology Trainees of India
Debanjali Basu, Dr. Dweep Chand Singh, Ms. Sneha Das
The Gendered Lens: A Comprehensive Study on Homegrown Terrorism
Aditi Dhananjayan, Shashidhar ES
Perceived Attitude of Generation-Z Towards Working Environment and Organizational Conflict
Liza Zubin Abadan
Relationship between Interpersonal Sensitivity and Emotional Regulation among Young Adults
Ms. Maria Mathew, Ms. Priyanka V R
Relationship between Childhood Neglect and Rejection Sensitivity in Indian Adults
Gauri Mehta Bhutani, Divi Tara
Examining the Predictive Role of Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitude towards Women in Rape Supportive Attitude among University Students
Apoorva Choudhary, Dr. Nitesh Kumar Jha
Impact of Locus of Control on Attitude Formation
Dakshita Pandey
Exploring Lived Realities of Aging in Post- Bereavement Widowhood: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study on Elderly Widows
Rupali Rawat
Understanding Experiences of First-time Fathers in India
Harshita Chawla
Exploring Adolescents’ Attitude Towards E-Learning- A Sociological Study
Nabiha Saher, Farzana Alim
Perceived Parenting Style, Anxiety Sensitivity and Psychological Capital among Young Adults
Chanchal P V, Soumya Simon
Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Women with and without Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Soha M. Borges, Dr. Lokesh L.
The Impact of Juvenile Victimization, Peer Influence, Birth Order, Parenting Style, and Home Environment on Delinquent Behaviour: Literature Review
Devi S., M. Bhuvaneswari
Purushartha in Modern Age
Nidhi Panchal
Adjustment among Internet Addict and Non-Addict Adolescents
Tabssum I. Pathan, Dr. Karshan Chothani
Job Satisfaction among Doctors in Government and Private Hospitals
Varsha Kanojia
Differentiation of Self and Attachment Style of Young Adults
Ms. Vishnu Durga K, Ms. Shruthi Rose
The Impact of Sleep Education on Sleep Quality, Emotional Regulation, and Impulsivity among Undergraduates
Mr. Nathaniel Philip, Dr. Molly Joy
Flow and Identity- A Study on the Associations of Flow and Identity
Srishti Tyagi, Dr. Kaushalender Mani Tripathi
A Study on People’s Opinion on Awareness about Cybercrime in India
Dr. Jamuna KV, Ms. Janvi Jaiswal, Ms. Sanjana Santosh, Ms. Sneha Baiju
The Biological Children of Foster Parents: A Comparative Analysis of How the Attachment Style and Socio-Emotional Wellbeing of Biological Children of Foster Parents Differ from Those of Non-Foster Parents in Singapore
Zara Jain
Content Analysis on Media Pressure and Body Dysmorphic Disorder from Celebrity Perspective
Divya K. S., Dr. Emerson V. P.
A Comparative Study of Parent Child Relationship of Male & Female Secondary School Students in Government & Private School of Aurangabad City
Dr. Kalpana Ramrao Vitore
Understanding Treatment Anxiety Amongst Indian Adults with Sleep Disturbances
Ananya Mosur Sridhar, Dr. Adam Rathbone
Problem Solving Ability: A Comparative Study of Tribal and Non-Tribal High School Students in Ranchi Town
Dr. Kalawati Jaisawal, Safeena Naaz
Rumination and Self-reflection: Acting as a Buffer Between Guilt Proneness and Shame Proneness
Snigdha Wangnoo
The Effect of Self-esteem and Self Efficacy in Online Learning Environment among Young Adolescence
Charumuki S, Meiyarasi E, Geerthi A, Santhosh Kumar S
Exploring the Efficacy of Mobile Game Implementation for Enhancing Memory, and Attention Span in Individuals with Down Syndrome: An Experimental Study
Samridhi Kakkar
A Comparative Study of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration between School Teachers from Rural and Urban Areas
Chaudhary A.K., Salvi Hemant
Personality Traits and Organisational Commitment among Pharmacists
Neelima T S, Sampreeti Das
The Relationship between Gratitude and Psychological Distress among Male and Female Young Adults: A Correlational Study
Miss Tripti Chandrakar, Mr. Mrityunjay Bandyopadhyay, Ms. Sushmita Mazumdar
Ethnic Humor: The Role of Culture in Mirth, Comedy, and Laughter
S. Venkatesan, Iyer Kamlam Gopalkrishnan, Yashodhara Kumar G.Y.
NLP Meta-Model – A Strategy for Developing Interpersonal Relationship among Business School Students
Ritesh Haldankar
A Study of Test Anxiety Among High School Students in Relation to Sociological Variables
Mrs. Palak Gupta, Mrs. Shikha Gupta
Frequency of Commensality with Leaders, Perceived Leadership Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction among Corporate Employees
Divisha Chandel, Ms. Sharmili Chatterjee
Comparative Study on Study Habits and Classroom Climate of Secondary School Students
Dr. M. Soundararajan, Mr. K. Balasubramanian, Dr. R. Saraswathy
Learning Disability among School Children: Role of Psychological Intervention
Dr. Anita Gautam
Parental Self-efficacy and Proactive Coping among Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Parents of Typically Developed Children
Haripriya A, D P Deepthi
Correlation between Self Esteem and Coping Styles among Women with PCOD
Charu Sharma
Guilt-Shame Proneness in Dark Triad: Assessing Young Adults
Harprit Kaur, Navtoj Singh, Anmol Kapoor
Artificial Intelligence as an Aid for Social Relationships for Individuals With ADHD
Mansi Chitgopekar
Effects of Communication Styles and Conflict Resolution Styles on Intimacy in Couples
Ayesha Bukhari, Dr. Kakul Hai
The Relationship between Personality Traits and Subjective Wellbeing among Undergraduate Students
Shivali Gandotra, Dr. Shruti Dutt
Attachment Style and Emotional Stability of Migrated Students in India
Shubhangi Shinde, Vigraanth Bapu K.G.
Victims of Bank Frauds: A Comparative Study between Working and Non- Working People in The City of Delhi
Abhi Tyagi
Playing for Health: How Video Games Can Improve Mental Well-being
Nayantara Rao
Binge Watching, Loneliness, Interpersonal Competence and Interaction Anxiety in Young Adults
Shivani Garg, Dr. Annie Khanam Singh
An Exploratory Study on Insomnia Symptoms among IT and Non-IT Professionals
Ms. Samata Shinde, Ms. Asmita Kulkarni
Exploring Psychosocial Issues among Terrorist Attack Victims in North Waziristan
Arif Ullah
A Study on The Relationship Between of Childhood Trauma and Antisocial Personality Disorder in The Formation of Serial Killers
Ms. Suman O., Thanushree M.N., Peri Tejaswi, Pooja, Tirupati Nayak, Jigme Dorjee
Emotional Intelligence of Counsellors in India
Dr. Winnie Joyce A, Dr. Jonas Richard A
Relationship of Awareness and Belief in Heredity/Environment Mechanisms on Internality Dimension of Attribution for Success
Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar
Importance of Body Image for Teenagers – Impact, Challenges, and Solutions
Anoushka Sabnis, Ananya Vijjan
Impact of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Intervention on Emotion Expression and Management
Chaitali Shroff
A Conceptual View and Non-Psychometric Assessment of Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health and their Relationship with National-level Coaches
Mr. Shubham Kumar, Dr. Bharat Verma
Memes as a Coping Tool: Exploring the Role of Meme Culture in Navigating Existential Dread
Priyanshi Nautiyal, Ishita Chakraborty
Gender Differences: Impact of Work Stress on Emotion Regulation
Moon Verma, Dr. Niti Shukla
Role of Women Elite in Indian Politics
Dr. Garima Verma
“The White Line Fever; A Great Peril”: ‘Exploring the Less Addressed Psychological Phenomenon, Highway Hypnosis’
S Manikandan, Laya Vijayan
Globalization and Diseases: A Case Study of International Diseases
Dr. Sunita Chauhan
Influence of Nomophobia and Loneliness on Young Adults
Aarshi Agrawal, Pearlene Helen Mary D
Understanding the Foundational Principles of Ethics in Clinical Psychology Practice
Nathan Fernandez
A Cross-Sectional Study of the Influence of Perceived Parenting on the Levels of Imposter Phenomenon in Young Adults
Deeaanj Hinduja, Anannya Barbole, Bhumi Gowda, Janhavi Singh Deo, Dimple Panchal
Relationship between Narcissism and Social Intelligence among Young Adults in India
Rudrakshree Belwal
Acculturative Stress: Mental Well-Being and Bicultural Self Efficacy among Indian Students Studying Abroad
Farhana Mutharintavida, Lajwanti M Jethwani
Influence of Parent Child Relationship on an Individual’s Personal Value and Social Maturity
Jyoti Sharma, Dr. Anjali Sahai Srivastav
Work Environment and Job Satisfaction -A Study at BHEL Noida
Dr. Shilpi Kulshrestha, Dr. Roopa Temkar
Sleep Quality, Anxiety Level and Mental Well-Being of Healthcare Professionals (Doctors) during COVID-19: A Comparative Study of the First & Second Wave
Ridhi Kumar, Dr. Priyanka Tiwari
Acculturation, Adult Attachment Style and Psychological Distress in Indian International Students
Jisha Koshy, Vimala M.
Satisfaction with Life and Dispositional Resilience among College Going Females with PCOS and without PCOS
Anju Soman, Dr. Sruthi Sivaraman
Prediction Machines – Comparative Analysis of Theory of Mind Abilities in Machine Learning Models
Shannon J. Fernandes, Dr. Tejeshwar Dhananjaya
Peer Pressure, Hopelessness and Suicide Ideation among College Students
Ms. Isha Thomas, Dr. Deepthi Vijayan
Relationship between Health Promoting Behaviors, Self-compassion and Health Value among Medical Students
Manyeswari Gayathri R., Procheta Mahanta, Vigraanth Bapu K.G., Danasegaran M.
Family Pathology and Adjustment Level: A Study among Adolescents
Miss Vaishnavi Gupta, Dr. Anjali Sahai
Emotional Intelligence and its Correlates among Teachers
Nayantara Chauhan, Dr. Amit Kumar
A Study on Self-Actualized and Non-Self-Actualized Men and Women on Self-Confidence
Dr. Nagarathna M L
Fear of Corona and Psychological Distress among Teachers after Returning to Teaching under the Corona Pandemic
Dr. Rihab Alsadi
The Use of Bibliotherapy as a Therapeutic Intervention by Mental Health Professionals
Dhanishta Shah, Mrs. Anita Sanu
Using Contact Hypothesis and Indirect Reciprocity Approach to Improve Intergroup Relationship: A Slum-based Proposed Intervention
Arshia Khanna, Shagun Naik, Dr. Pushpita Behera
Exploring the Role of Teachers in Changing Educational Scenario from Teacher Centric to Child Centric Education
Dr. Jyoti Tiwari, Alok Kumar Yadav
Proactive Coping and Subjective Well-being among Tribal and Non-Tribal Adolescents
Sandra Satheesan, Sindhu V.
A Study on Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Play Therapy on Internet Addiction among Adolescents with Intellectual Disability
Dhanushi Mayank Surana, Dr. Kamayani Mathur
Self-Deception and Social Media Addiction among Young Adults with Personality Disorder
Sneha Balasubramani, Dr. U. L. Bhuvaneswari
Effect of Birth Order and Gender on Self-Esteem among College Students
Parental Physical Punishment Effect on Assertiveness: A Comparative Study of Male and Female of Higher Secondary School Students
Janet Ngailianniang, Mercy Chingnunhoih, Zokaitluangi
Study on the Effect of Pre and Post Counselling among Old Aged Males and Females Suffering from Depression During the Covid-19 Situation
Dr. Dhananjoy Koner
Adult Separation Anxiety, Personality and Attachment Styles- An Exploratory Study among Young Adults
Shradha Kashyap, Arjun Sekhar PM
Perceived Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Interpersonal Relationship Problems among Alcohol Consuming Young Adults
Deby Abraham, Dr. Rema M K
Emotional Maturity and Resilience among Athletes
Surya P S, Dr. Maheshbabu N
Influence of Human Emotions on Financial Decision-making
Gulneer Kaur Lamba
Inclusive Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Shahzada Akhter, Monika Chibb, Dr. Najmah Peerzada
‘Frauds’ In the Classroom: The Prevalence and Relationship between Impostor Phenomenon, Academic Motivation and Study Engagement among Indian College Students
Gayathri Sankar J, Dr. Uma Krishnan
Emotional Regulation Among Psychology and Non-Psychology Studying College Students
Ritwika Barik, Sampreeti Das
Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
The Role of Subclinical Paranoia in Social Cognition and Social Functioning among University Students- A Comparative Study
Diksha Patel, Rahul Varma
The Importance of Psychoeducation for Caregivers of People with Schizophrenia
Vetalu Nyekha, Prachi Ghildyal
Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health Outcomes
Alvina Mathew
Emotional Intelligence and Self- Efficacy: A Comparative Study Between Primary and Secondary School Teachers
Shriya Jindal, Dr. Shruti Dutt
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Trauma Symptoms Among Emerging Adults of Kashmir and Delhi-NCR: A Comparative Study
Fairy Khan, Dr. Anu Teotia
Anger Rumination, Mindfulness and Forgiveness among Young Adults
Kukumoni Kalita, Ms Vimala Arun M
Beliefs Related to the Efficacy of the Antidepressant Medications: An Exploratory Research
Ms. Sarita, A.V Shreya
A Study of Anxiety among Arts and Commerce Undergraduate Students of Dogra Degree College of Samba District (J&K)
Dr. Bela Thakur, Tina Sharma
The Role of Kinship, Satisfaction with Life and Resilience among Diabetic Patients
Angel Varghese
Absence of Death Rituals and Its Impact on Grieving Process in Covid 19: A Retrospective Study
Priyal Godawat, Dr. Rachana Ghosh
Gender-Role Identification, Emotional Expressivity and Attitude Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help in Middle Adulthood
Nitya Pawar, Dr. Pooja Varma
The Relationship Among Religiosity, Paranormal Beliefs, and Superstition in Young Adults of Indian Urban Areas
Pranjal Mani Tripathi
Empowering Indian Rural Women Beyond Barriers
Archana Ranjan, Dr. Nilmani Kumar
A Study on Perceived Parenting and Personality Factors among Young Adults
Saheli Sarkar
A Study of Internet Addiction of Students Studying in Secondary and Higher Secondary School
Dr. Manisha D. Bhatu
Moral Values Among Primary School Children
Dr. Swati D. Patel
A Cross-Sectional Study on Coping Mechanisms and Pain Disability among Persons with Hemophilia
Deepika Lohan, Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Difference in Emotional Intelligence and Positive-Negative Affectivity Among the Liquor Consumers and Non-Liquor Consumers
Ayushi Sen Roy, Dakshita Pandey
Leadership: An In-depth Study of the Attributes of an Effective Leader
Avinash Wesley, Ms. Sneha Narayan
Impact of Internet Addiction on the Psychological Well- Being of College Students
Samiksha Duarah
Impact of Innovation and Openness to Change on Job Satisfaction in Creative and IT Professionals
Nilaksha Sen, Dr. Arathi Venkatesh
Vocational Training Pre- and during Pandemic at B.M.I.M.H.: A Sequential Longitudinal Explanatory Mixed Methods Design
Virakti Dhaval Shah
Resilience, Sense of Humor and Marital Satisfaction among Married Young Adults Across Gender
Ms. Reshmi V R, Ms. Ashwini S Shetty
Body Image Satisfaction and Marital Satisfaction among Women
Athulya Elsa Idicula, Priyanka VR
Psychiatric Social Worker Approach to Identifying and Treating Depression among Teenagers
Poonam Tyagi, Richa Chowdhary
A Study on the Wellbeing of Adolescents from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
Annie Jacob, Smitha Philip
Patterns of Presentation of Psychiatric Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period in a Tertiary Care Center- A 5 Years Retrospective Study
Dr. Ashwini Padmashali
Life Satisfaction among Middle Aged Women
Nishat Eqbal, Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma
Need for Positive Psychology Interventions in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder to Enhance Wellbeing
Meha Jain, Madhurima Pradhan, Sujita Kumar Kar, Ayushi Bharti
Brain-Based Changes and Therapeutic Effectiveness of the Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Approach: A Mini Review
Nitya Ann Eapen
Microbiome: Human Nutrition and Psychology
Souvik Tewari, Lina Sarkar, Prathiksa Pramanik, Papia Mukherjee, Anirban Pattanayak, Khan Farhana Mahreen
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among College Students Away from Home
Aayushi Ajithkumar Pillai
Association between Flexible Work Options, Employee Work Performance and Job Satisfaction
Riya Bhasin
Exploring the Role of Interpersonal Relationships in Adolescents with ADHD
Kritika Modi
Emotional Abuse, Learned Helplessness, and Self Compassion in the Context of Relationships
T. Blessy Suzanna, Dr. Anjana Sinha
An Exploratory Study on Resilience and Interpersonal Relationships of Adults During the Work from Home in Covid-19
Abhinandita Chakraborty, Debarati Banerjee, Mitasha Mitra, Dr. Dinaz R. Jeejeebhoy
Assessing the Gender Differences in the Level of Life Satisfaction and Depression among Young Adults
Samridhi Gupta, Ms. Charu Kriti