Perceived Stress, Coping, Psychological Well-Being, and Alcohol- Dependent Usage among Young Adults


  • S. Sujatha
  • Dr. Smriti R. Sethi



Perceived Stress, Coping, Psychological Well-Being, Alcohol dependent and young adults


The present study aims to investigate the relationship between perceived stress, coping, psychological well-being, and alcohol-dependent usage among young adults. The sample consists of 100 students (50 males, 50 females) aged from 20 to 30 years. resources of this study used were the perceived stress scale given by Cohen (1983), the coping scale given by Sherry Hamby, John H Grych, and Victoria Banyard (2013), A short version of Ryff’s Psychological Well-being scale given by Carol D. Ryff (1989) and alcohol-dependent scale given by Edward (1986). Data were analyzed by using T-test, Correlation and Regression. The finding of the study shows that the data was analysed based on gender, it was found that there was no such significant difference between males and females in terms of perceived stress. The results show the level of perceived stress in young male adults (M = 19.48, SD=4.22) and in young female adults (M=18.16, SD= 4.77). the data was analysed based on gender, it was found that there was no such significant difference between males and females in terms of coping. The results show the level of coping in young male adults (M = 37.42, SD=7.25) and young female adults (M=37.04, SD=5.84). when the data was analysed based on gender, it was found that there was a significant difference between males and females in terms of psychological well-being. The results show the level of psychological well-being in young female adults (M = 90.06, SD=13.17) and in young male adults (M=82.70, SD= 11.08). the data was analysed based on gender, it was found that there was no such significant difference between males and females in terms of alcohol dependent. The results show the level of alcohol usage in young male adults (M = 9.26, SD=8.12) and in young females (M=6.64, SD= 9.51). there is a negative correlation, between perceived stress and coping among young adults, as indicated by the correlation of -.175 is statistically significant at p<.001. there is a negative correlation, between perceived stress and psychological well-being among young adults, as indicated by the correlation of -.325 is statistically significant at p<.001. there is a negative correlation, between perceived stress and alcohol-dependent usage among young adults, as indicated by the correlation of -.370is statistically significant at p<.001.


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How to Cite

S. Sujatha, & Dr. Smriti R. Sethi. (2022). Perceived Stress, Coping, Psychological Well-Being, and Alcohol- Dependent Usage among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).