Infidelity and Social Media: Investigating Differences in Social Media Use among Perpetrators and Victims of Infidelity


  • Parvati Varma Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Sikkim University, Sikkim, India



Infidelity, Extradyadic Involvement, Cheating


Infidelity is a transgression that affects the well-being of both parties as well as the relationship quality makes it important to pay attention to the phenomenon. This study aimed to understand the link between involvement in fidelity, infidelity, and social media. The study comprised 303 participants – offenders of infidelity, offended partners, and individuals who had neither cheated on their partners nor been cheated (fidelity). For this purpose, the Facebook addiction scale was used in the context of social media. One-way ANOVA was conducted to observe the differences across the groups. The results found that perpetrators were more likely to use social media sites as compared to the victims or fidelity group of participants. The implications of the study have been discussed.


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How to Cite

Parvati Varma. (2022). Infidelity and Social Media: Investigating Differences in Social Media Use among Perpetrators and Victims of Infidelity. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).