Perceived Attitude of Generation-Z Towards Working Environment and Organizational Conflict


  • Liza Zubin Abadan Student, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat



Perceived Work Environment, Organizational conflict, Generation-Z


Generation-z is the new age generation force born between the Mid 1900s to early 2000s. They were born between the years 1997-2012. The current workforce which all organizations are hiring and preparing is Generation–Z. It is a generation force that differentiates from the preceding generation in all spheres of organizational as well as worldly context as their ways and means are unique and unconventional. Generation – Z as to how they perceive their work environment greatly affects the overall organizational efficiency and organizational conflict that occurs in the organization. This study aims to analyze and understand the perceived attitude of Generation Z toward the work environment and the underlying factors associated with organizational conflict in the organization. The sample population for this study is Generation–Z (1997–2012) whose age is between 17 to 25 years. The sample size of this study is 126 consisting of 68 females and 58 males’ population. Data is collected in a hybrid mode where online forms were circulated and offline data was collected from Surat and Gandhinagar. It is a quantitative research design with a statistical analysis of the Pearson R Correlation Coefficient for analyzing the collected data. The findings of this study state that there is a significantly strong negative correlation between perceived work environment and organizational conflict among Generation–Z in the organization. It also states that there is a negative correlation between sub-factors of perceived work environment like working conditions, Sociability & Cooperation among Employees, Sense of belongingness with the organization, and Citizenship behavior and Recognition at work with organizational Conflict. The study examines the perceived attitude and contributing factors associated with organizational conflict among Generation –Z in the organization.


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How to Cite

Liza Zubin Abadan. (2022). Perceived Attitude of Generation-Z Towards Working Environment and Organizational Conflict. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).