Mathematics Anxiety and Self-Esteem among Young Adults Aged 18-30 Years


  • Ruchi Singh M.Sc Clinical Psychology Student, Kristu Jayanti college (Autonomous), Bengaluru, Karnataka (India)
  • Lajwanti M Jethwani Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti college (Autonomous), Bengaluru, Karnataka (India)



Mathematics Anxiety, Self-Esteem among Young Adults


Math anxiety prevents pupils from studying mathematics, having a positive attitude towards mathematics, and feeling at ease since it is an unjustified fear of mathematical operations and math lessons. Low self-esteem, disappointment, and academic failure are all results of this phobia. Many signs of math anxiety could be listed, including panic, thinking of failure, tension, irritability, doubt, fear, despair, shame, and feeling of failure, as well as sweating, nausea, tension in the stomach, difficulty breathing, inadequate listening to the teacher, difficulty focusing, discomfort using words related to mathematics, and negative internal speech. Mathematics anxiety may be influenced by certain variables like Self-esteem, especially in academics. The purpose of the study was to analyse the relationship between Mathematics and Self-esteem among Young Adults. The current study was conducted on 77 Young Adults of all genders between the age group of 18-30 years, who are residing in the cities of Lucknow, Meerut and Bengaluru. Quantitative approach was used along with Correlational research design was adopted and the sampling technique was purposive. Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale- Revised (MARS-R) and Self-Esteem Rating Scale (SERS) were administered on the participants on all genders. Correlational analysis showed a very weak significant negative correlation between Mathematics Anxiety and Self-esteem among Young Adults. Results showed no significant difference in the level of mathematics and self-esteem among Young Adults. The results of the study will help to develop interventions for people with low levels of mathematics anxiety and will also help to develop interventions for people with high levels of Self-esteem.


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How to Cite

Ruchi Singh, & Lajwanti M Jethwani. (2022). Mathematics Anxiety and Self-Esteem among Young Adults Aged 18-30 Years. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).