Stress Coping and Mental Well-Being in Gym Going Population among Adults
Stress coping, Avoidant coping, Approached Coping, Mental Well-being, Gym-going adults in IndiaAbstract
The aim of the research was to find the relationship between stress coping and mental wellbeing and also the influence of stress coping on mental wellbeing in gym going population among adults. In this research adults were considered to be young adulthood and middle adulthood. A nonprobability snowball sampling method was used to draw a sample of 183 respondents from various parts of India. The Brief COPE scale was used to see 2 different types of coping strategies i.e., Avoidant Coping and Approach Coping, the scale which was consisting of 28 items. It was designed to measure effective and ineffective ways of coping with a stressful life event which was a short version of Brief COPE. The other scale which was used was Warwick -Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale (WEMWBS) which was also a short version of 14 items. This scale was used to assess good mental health and wellbeing. Data was collected by 183 participants all who were going to gym for at least 3 months and more. Correlation and regression analysis was used to assess the relationship and influence between stress coping and mental wellbeing among adults who were going to gym. The result of the study was found that There was a negative relationship between Avoidant coping and Mental wellbeing which was not significant. And There is a significant positive relationship between Approached coping and Mental wellbeing. When the research used simple linear regression to check the influence of stress coping on mental well-being the results revealed that Approach coping positively predicted Mental well-being after which the implication and limitations of the study was discussed.Metrics
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How to Cite
Lekha U., & Dr. Molly Joy. (2022). Stress Coping and Mental Well-Being in Gym Going Population among Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).