Effect of Practicing Gratitude on Mental Health: A Review


  • Ashwani Kumar
  • Jagjit Singh




Mental Health, Gratitude, Happiness


Gratitude has gained increasing attention in the field of positive psychology as a fundamental emotion and practice that contributes to overall well-being. This research paper explores the relationship between gratitude and various aspects of positive mental health, including subjective well-being, resilience, self-esteem, and positive relationships. Gratitude can be defined as a state of thankfulness or appreciation (McCullough, 2002). Gratitude is a powerful emotion and mindset that has been increasingly recognized for its potential in promoting positive mental health. A negative mental health influences person’s wellbeing negatively because mental health and wellbeing are closely related to each other. Gratitude has been found positively related with better wellbeing, life satisfaction (Wood et al., 2008). Being grateful and both state and trait level gratitude influences positively on person’s mental health. Various studies proved that practicing gratitude positively relates with number of positive outcomes such as happiness, optimism, life satisfaction (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this paper examines empirical evidence supporting the positive effects of gratitude on mental health outcomes and explores the underlying mechanisms that contribute to these effects.


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How to Cite

Ashwani Kumar, & Jagjit Singh. (2022). Effect of Practicing Gratitude on Mental Health: A Review. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.043