Impact of Neurotherapy Treatment in Pain Relief among Patients having Low Back Pain


  • Ram Gopal Parihar Research Scholar- Yoga and Neurotherapy (Madhav University, Rajasthan)
  • Ajay Gandhi Senior Neurotherapist



Low Back Pain, Neurotherapy, Visual Analogue Scale, Treatment


Neurotherapy deals with the whole body/mind system in totality. The therapy uses the by-now well-established knowledge, that our body, like all other living beings in the universe, has the vital energy to cure itself, without any interference from external sources. Present study intended to the impact of neurotherapy in pain relief among patients of low back pain. To conduct the present study 92 samples selected by the author conveniently and treated with the planned treatment package of neurotherapy, 30 minutes daily for 3 months regularly. Before starting the treatment pre test had been conducted on VAS and after the treatment patients had been recorded again as post test on VAS. In results found that t value is 45.307 at .01 level. This is highly significant. Hence it is concluded that neurotherapy treatment is very effective on the pain relief among low back pain patients. In totality 96% patients had recorded improvement in their low back pain after the regular neurotherapy treatment.


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How to Cite

Ram Gopal Parihar, & Ajay Gandhi. (2022). Impact of Neurotherapy Treatment in Pain Relief among Patients having Low Back Pain. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).