Effect of Online Fandom Interactions in the Development of Safe Space for the Queer Community


  • Yukta Sharma Student, Jain Deemed to Be University, Bangalore
  • Dr. Shikha Singh Asst Professor, Jain Deemed to Be University, Bangalore




Online Fandom Interactions, Development, Safe Space, Queer Community


Media and the online world have become inseparable aspects of people’s lives in the modern world. This becomes especially essential for queer people who are marginalized in the physical world and are looking for alternate sources of support or identity development. The main purpose of the study was to identify the role of fandom interactions in forming a safe space in the queer community by understanding their coping style and resilience skills. The study adopted correlational research design and convenience sampling method was used in the range of 15 to 23 years. The tools are used for the study is the brief COPE inventory and the NMRQ questionnaire. Mean, t- test, ANOVA and correlation scores are analysed using statistical analysis.


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How to Cite

Yukta Sharma, & Dr. Shikha Singh. (2022). Effect of Online Fandom Interactions in the Development of Safe Space for the Queer Community. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.114