Victims of Bank Frauds: A Comparative Study between Working and Non- Working People in The City of Delhi


  • Abhi Tyagi Student, department of criminology, national institute of criminology and forensic science, Delhi, India



Economic Offence, Questionnaire, Banking, Working and Non-Working Population


This study focuses on the victimization of the working and non working group of people and the awareness among them regarding the banking frauds. According to the study or the data collected, both working and non-working group were being victimized by the banking frauds but not only few of them were the victims of crime. The level of awareness varies between the group as working class group is comparatively more aware about the ways of committing the crime and they are more aware about the measures to be taken by them in case of such types of banking frauds than non-working group but the problems faced by both the groups are same after getting victimized.


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How to Cite

Abhi Tyagi. (2022). Victims of Bank Frauds: A Comparative Study between Working and Non- Working People in The City of Delhi. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).