To Study Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Used by Military Personnel of Remotely Located Air Base


  • Surgeon Captain Udaya IB Principal Medical Officer, INS Utkrosh, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Island.
  • Dr. Swati Scientist ‘D’(DRDO) Sr Psychologist, Naval Selection Board, Visakhapatnam



Military Service, Perceived Stress, Coping Strategies


Military service is one of the high stressful job. Location and area of the posting if is remotely located adds to the stress level. With the immense amount of on job stress military personnel keep going and are able to maintain their mental health. Stress is quiet a subjective term. The same situation can be quiet stressful for one and a routine one for another. This study is an attempt to see the level of perceived stress and the coping strategies being employed by air crew and ground crew of a remotely located military air station.


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How to Cite

Surgeon Captain Udaya IB, & Dr. Swati Scientist ‘D’(DRDO). (2022). To Study Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Used by Military Personnel of Remotely Located Air Base. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).