Death Anxiety and Life Satisfaction among Elderly Living with Family and in Old Age Home
Elderly, Death anxiety, Life SatisfactionAbstract
Death anxiety and Life satisfaction plays a major role in an individual’s life. Older adults may be more prone to death anxiety than their younger counterparts; however, death anxiety and Life satisfaction among older adults is not well understood. This aim of the study explores the Death anxiety and Life satisfaction among Elderly living with family and in old age home in Mysuru, Karnataka. Convenient sampling is used to collect the data, a total of 80 elderly aged 60 years and above participated in the study among which 40 elderly living with the family and 40 elderly living in old age home. The study is exploratory in nature adopt survey sample research design, and in order to collect data Templers’ Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) and Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS; Diener) were used. The obtained results were analyzed using MANOVA and Pearson’s Co-efficient of correlation. The findings revealed, that there is no significant difference in Life satisfaction among elderly living with family and in old age home and there is significant difference in death anxiety among elderly living with family and in old age home. The correlation results indicated that there is no significant relationship between Death anxiety and Life satisfaction among elderly living with family. And there is no significant relationship between Death anxiety and life satisfaction among elderly living in old age home. The implications and summary pertaining to the study have been discussed.Metrics
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How to Cite
Kausthubha A. (2022). Death Anxiety and Life Satisfaction among Elderly Living with Family and in Old Age Home. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).