Influence of Self- Concept and Personality Trait on The Level of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female


  • Gunjan Bhatia
  • Dr. Shruti Dutt



Self-Concept, Job Satisfaction


Self- concept, character, and occupation fulfillment are interconnected perspectives that altogether influence a singular’s general prosperity and satisfaction in the working environment. Self-idea alludes to the way people see and grasp themselves, enveloping their convictions, values, capacities, and personality. Character, then again, includes persevering through examples of considerations, sentiments, and ways of behaving that shape a singular’s exceptional person. Both self-concept and character assume significant parts in forming a singular’s job satisfaction, which mirrors their satisfaction, and generally bliss in their workplace. The general hypothesis presented in this study was that self-concept and personality is significantly related to job satisfaction as measured by a conventional rating form. Forty-six male subjects and fifty- three female participants were taken through the method of random sampling. Each subject was asked to evaluate the forms using three self – reports measure It was hypothesized that a statistically significant relationship exists between the variables defined above. The main objective of this study was to proof the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the personality trait and the concept an individual who is about himself or herself influence the level of job satisfaction among male and female. Three scales were used namely Robson self-concept questionnaire, big five inventory short version of 30 items and job satisfaction scale. 100 participants were randomly selected with 46 males at 46.5% and 53 females at 53.5% from different working sectors.


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How to Cite

Gunjan Bhatia, & Dr. Shruti Dutt. (2022). Influence of Self- Concept and Personality Trait on The Level of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).