Relationship between Cognitive Failures: Forgetfulness, Distractibility, False Triggering; and Absentmindedness among Young Adult Smartphone Users in Mumbai


  • Devanshi Shah Post -Psychology Student, Maniben Nanavati College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Anuja Deshpande Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Maniben Nanavati College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Absentmindedness, Cognitive Failures, Young Adult Smartphone Users


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between three types of cognitive failures i.e. Forgetfulness, Distractibility, False-triggering; and Absentmindedness among young adult smartphone users in Mumbai. The sample consisted of 60 participants (Males 28 and Females 32) residing in Mumbai who were active smartphone users for the past 6 months or more under the age range of 18-25 years. The scales used included: The cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) and the Smartphone Usage Questionnaire – Absentminded version. A Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was carried out to understand the relationship among variables. A significant positive relationship was found between Cognitive Failures and Absentmindedness among smartphone users, r = .347, p<.01. A significant positive relationship was found between Forgetfulness and Absentmindedness among smartphone users, r = .527, p<.001. A significant positive relationship was found between Distractibility and Absentmindedness among smartphone users, r = .545, p<.001. A significant positive relationship was observed between False-triggering and Absentmindedness among smartphone users, r = .479, p<.001. The four hypotheses that were postulated for the study were validated by the results.


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How to Cite

Devanshi Shah, & Dr. Anuja Deshpande. (2022). Relationship between Cognitive Failures: Forgetfulness, Distractibility, False Triggering; and Absentmindedness among Young Adult Smartphone Users in Mumbai. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).