Child Sexual Abuse: Analysis of its Aetiology, Models and Consequences; Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence


  • Lakshmi Priya J Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Women’s Christian College, Chennai.
  • Dr. Usha Rani S Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Women’s Christian college, Chennai.



Child Sexual Abuse, Aetiology, Theory, Models, Consequences, Combating through Preventive Education


Sexual abuse of children has become a subject of great community and a serious global issue. It has become the focus of many legislative and professional initiatives. There is enough evidence to show that those who have faced abuse in their childhood continue to deal with its consequences well into their adulthood, suffering physical, psychological and emotional problems. Children find difficulty disclosing abuse and they are left to suffer in silence. This paper discusses various aetiology, theories and models relating to child sexual abuse and the role of preventive education in children to combat sexual abuse. This  paper also  presents an overview of research findings and  attempts to draw attention to highlight the consequences of  child sexual abuse, and break the conspiracy of silence surrounding it.


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How to Cite

Lakshmi Priya J, & Dr. Usha Rani S. (2022). Child Sexual Abuse: Analysis of its Aetiology, Models and Consequences; Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).