“The White Line Fever; A Great Peril”: ‘Exploring the Less Addressed Psychological Phenomenon, Highway Hypnosis’


  • S Manikandan Assistant Professor, BGSB University, Rajouri, JK, India
  • Laya Vijayan Nursing Instructor, College of Nursing, BGSB University, Rajouri, JK, India




White Line Fever, Highway Hypnosis, Peril, Exploring, Psychology, Phenomenon, Less Addressed


High way Hypnosis is a light hypnotic/trance like state induced by the monotony of driving a motor vehicle, usually on long, straight roads uninterrupted by crossings, municipalities or other visually distracting factors; which usually occurs in a background of fatigue responsible for a high rate of road traffic accidents and life-threatening injury. Highway hypnosis is a less/little addressed issue with only a handful of existing reviews and studies. Through this article, the investigator has taken the effort to bring the phenomenon to discussion keeping in mind its impact on social health.  Materials and Methods: Several ‘Electronic databases’, including PubMed, APA Psych Info, Springer Nature, Google Scholar, WHO, Web of Science, Embase, Wiley, Wikipedia, Research Gate, Medline, Academia, Healthline etc. were widely searched for this article.


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How to Cite

S Manikandan, & Laya Vijayan. (2022). “The White Line Fever; A Great Peril”: ‘Exploring the Less Addressed Psychological Phenomenon, Highway Hypnosis’. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.284