Using Cinema Theaters to Promote Road Safety Education: A Conceptual Proposal for India


  • Satyajit Kharkar Research Scholar, MGM University



Cinema Theaters, Road Safety Education, Conceptual Proposal, India


Road accidents are a major concern in India, with the country accounting for a large number of fatalities each year. Road safety education programs have been implemented in the country, but their effectiveness is limited. In this paper, we propose a new approach to road safety education in India – using cinema theaters to show unedited accident footage to the masses. The proposed approach is based on theoretical frameworks and evidence from successful campaigns in other countries. It addresses the issue of drivers’ psychology and proposes a solution to instill positive fear to bring about behavioral change. The proposed approach would work in practice by leveraging the existing infrastructure of cinema theaters and the availability of CCTV footage. However, there are potential challenges such as resistance from cinema owners and the need for government support. Overall, this conceptual proposal has the potential to significantly impact road safety in India and can serve as a model for other countries.


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How to Cite

Satyajit Kharkar. (2022). Using Cinema Theaters to Promote Road Safety Education: A Conceptual Proposal for India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).