Attitude Towards Air Pollution and Noise Pollution among College Students


  • Kuldeep Chavada Ph.D. Student (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychology, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Dr. Shailesh Raval L. D. Arts College, Department of Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.



Air pollution Attitude Scale, Noise Attitude Scale, College Students


The present study aimed to study Attitude towards Air pollution and Noise pollution of college students in relation to their gender (Male and Female) and type of area (urban and rural). Purposive sampling technique was used to select sample of 60 college students equally divided according to the gender (Male and Female) and type of area (urban and rural). The sample was selected from various college of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar Cities. Tools like Air pollution Attitude Scale (APAS) (Dr. M. Rajamanickam) and Noise Attitude Scale (NAS) (Dr. M. Rajamanickam) were used to measure Air pollution and Noise pollution. The results were statistically analyzed using (ANOVA) f test. The findings revealed there is significant difference existed between boys and girls college students with regards to Air pollution attitude scale. A Significant difference existed between type of area (urban & rural) of college students with regards to Air pollution attitude scale. It has also been found out that significant interaction effect existed between gender and type of area. A significant interaction effect existed between gender and Qualification.


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How to Cite

Kuldeep Chavada, & Dr. Shailesh Raval. (2022). Attitude Towards Air Pollution and Noise Pollution among College Students. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).