Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health of Working People


  • Asma Hasan B.S.C(H)Psychology, Mody University (Laxmangarh), India
  • Dr. Sheetal Yadav Assistance Professor, School of liberal arts and science, Mody University (Laxmangarh), India




Covid-19 pandemic, Job loss, Mental health, Poverty, Global crisis, Psychological distress


Job loss in covid-19 which effected the mental health of working people badly. According to WHO it is the biggest global crises in generation, the covid-19 pandemic has had severe and far-reaching repercussion for health system, economies and societies. Millions of people have fallen below the poverty line. Without any source of earing income, many are unable to feed them-selves and their families. A grate number of people have reported psychological distress and symptoms of depressive and anxiety disorders. Other eating disorder, sleep-wake disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, panic attacks can be seen.


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How to Cite

Asma Hasan, & Dr. Sheetal Yadav. (2022). Effect of Covid-19 on Mental Health of Working People. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.408