The Biological Children of Foster Parents: A Comparative Analysis of How the Attachment Style and Socio-Emotional Wellbeing of Biological Children of Foster Parents Differ from Those of Non-Foster Parents in Singapore


  • Zara Jain Research scholar, Dept. Psychology Aligarh Muslim University, India



Foster Care, Psychological Well-being, Attachment, Relationships, Parent-Child Bonds, Foster Siblings


Although foster care has a large, growing culture in Singapore, little is known about the impact of fostering on the biological children of the foster parents themselves. This paper aims to understand further the impact of fostering on these ‘foster siblings’, and explores to what capacity adolescents and adults residing in a foster home have been impacted regarding how they form relationships with their parents and others, along with their attachment styles in relation to their socioemotional and psychological well-being. This study involved sample sizes of 2 age groups – 30 adolescents aged 10-18 years and 10 adults aged 18-30 – with a mix of both sons and daughters, discussing their foster care personal experiences. Data was collected through questionnaires, and inferential statistical calculations were conducted using the Mann-Whitney U test. 4 scales were used: Adolescent Attachment Questionnaire (West & Rose & Spreng & Keller, 1998), Social Emotional Health Survey-Secondary (SEHS-S) (Furlong & M. J. & Dowdy & E. & Nylund-Gibson & K & 2018), Psychological Wellbeing Scale (Ryff et al., 2007; adapted from Ryff, 1989), Adult Attachment Scale (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998). Open-ended interviews were also held to understand the experiences of the adolescents further, followed by a thematic analysis of each one. This research paper contends that fostering is damaging towards the psychological well-being and attachment styles of developing children and foster siblings, instead suggesting that the skills developed through fostering are crucial to their growth. This paper can help convince many people with preconceived notions and hesitations about fostering to participate in it, helping to promote it as new potential foster parents see the huge number of benefits that arise from being a foster family.


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How to Cite

Zara Jain. (2022). The Biological Children of Foster Parents: A Comparative Analysis of How the Attachment Style and Socio-Emotional Wellbeing of Biological Children of Foster Parents Differ from Those of Non-Foster Parents in Singapore. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).