The Influence of Mindfulness on Hope, Resilience, and Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults


  • Manya Bhardwaj Student, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University Noida, India
  • Dr. Mohammad Imran Assistant Professor-I, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University Noida, India



Mindfulness, Hope, Resilience, Psychological Well-Being, Young Adults, Correlation


Being totally present, aware of where we are and what we are doing, without becoming unduly reactive or overwhelmed by what is happening around us, is what is meant by the term “mindfulness.” The impact of mindfulness on hope, resilience, and psychological wellbeing on young adults were studied. The study was conducted on 100 participants with the age ranging from 18-25 years. Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), The Brief Resilience Scale, The Adult Hope Scale, and Psychological Wellbeing scales were used for the same. The hypotheses formulated were: 1. There will be a significant relationship between Mindfulness and Hope of young adults. 2.There will be a significant relationship between Mindfulness and resilience of young adults. 3.There will be a significant relationship between Mindfulness and Psychological Well-Being of young adults. The correlation analysis was done with the help of SPSS and the results were- 1. There is small, positive relationship between Mindfulness and Hope. 2. There is small, negative relationship between Mindfulness and Resilience. 3.There is moderate, positive relationship between Mindfulness and Psychological well-being. Findings revealed that only psychological well-being is influenced by mindfulness. Further research needs to be conducted regarding the hope, resilience and psychological wellbeing impacted by mindfulness on young adults using mindfulness interventions in the beginning.


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How to Cite

Manya Bhardwaj, & Dr. Mohammad Imran. (2022). The Influence of Mindfulness on Hope, Resilience, and Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).