Marital Satisfaction among Newly Married Couples: A Post COVID Pandemic Study in India
Marital Satisfaction, Marriage Life, Counselling, Family EnvironmentAbstract
Marital satisfaction is a mental state that reflects a person’s perceptions of the rewards and expenses of marriage. The more costs a marriage partner imposes on a person, the less content that person is with the marriage and the marriage partner in general. Similarly, the larger the perceived benefits, the happier one are with his or her marriage and marital partner. The present study tried to examine the level of marital satisfaction among married couples in Karnataka state. For the present study, the researchers adopted an experimental research design to identify marital satisfaction among married couples. Researchers used the ENRICH Marital Satisfaction (EMS) Scale to explore marital satisfaction. The result highlights that most respondent couples have low marital satisfaction levels for various reasons. However, the researchers suggested appropriate counselling and family environment enrichment activities to improve marital satisfaction among married couples.Metrics
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How to Cite
Saravana K, Ramesh B, Sachin BS, & Rajashekar C. (2022). Marital Satisfaction among Newly Married Couples: A Post COVID Pandemic Study in India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).