Vocational Training Pre- and during Pandemic at B.M.I.M.H.: A Sequential Longitudinal Explanatory Mixed Methods Design


  • Virakti Dhaval Shah Rehabilitation Counselor cum Research Assistant, B.M. Institute of Mental Health, Ahmedabad, India.




Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Occupational Instructors, Vocational Training, Pandemic, B.M. Institute of Mental Health


This Sequential Longitudinal Explanatory Mixed Methods study was aimed at understanding the types of activities, skill development and behavior modification strategies employed at B.M. Institute of Mental Health pre- and during the pandemic and the corresponding skill behaviors and problem behaviors demonstrated by the beneficiaries. This would be instrumental in devising a new hybrid model of interventions post pandemic. We used a Before-After Experimental approach towards quantitative analysis of the BASAL-MR scores of adults seeking vocational training at B.M.I.M.H. at the Baseline and Third Quarter levels both pre- and during the pandemic. Later, we conducted Narrative interviews of the Occupational Instructors involved in creating and executing the Individual Vocational Plans and targeted group activities to explain the direction of these results. Quantitative results showed a significant improvement in the skill behaviors of adults pre-pandemic with in-person interventions. We found no significant difference in the problem behaviors pre-pandemic (in-person work) and skill behaviors during pandemic (online work).  The scores for Problem Behaviors during the pandemic remained the same as instructors could not address them in person and parents were being prepared gradually to deal with them effectively.  Based on the comparisons and insights, a new hybrid model using technology and involving concerned adults, occupational instructors and parents in the vocational training process could be an efficient strategy later on. This study can help Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals in their decision-making process.


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How to Cite

Virakti Dhaval Shah. (2022). Vocational Training Pre- and during Pandemic at B.M.I.M.H.: A Sequential Longitudinal Explanatory Mixed Methods Design. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.254