Memes as a Coping Tool: Exploring the Role of Meme Culture in Navigating Existential Dread


  • Priyanshi Nautiyal Consultant Psychologist, Apollo life
  • Ishita Chakraborty Master’s in Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi



Meme, Meme Culture, Existentialism, Existential Dread, Coping Tool


This research study investigates the emerging phenomenon of using memes as a coping tool to navigate existential dread. In an increasingly complex and uncertain world, individuals often experience existential dread, characterized by feelings of anxiety, despair, and a sense of meaninglessness. Meme culture, which has rapidly evolved on social media platforms, offers a unique avenue for individuals to express and manage these existential concerns through humour and shared experiences. It is a qualitative study conducted using a survey, analysed using content analysis and thematic analysis, and represented through pie charts, flowchart and diagram. To conduct this study 35 people were randomly selected and asked questions regarding dread, meaning and memes as a coping tool. This study delves into the ways in which memes are utilized as coping mechanisms, their impact on individuals’ well-being, and the potential implications of meme culture in addressing existential dread.


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How to Cite

Priyanshi Nautiyal, & Ishita Chakraborty. (2022). Memes as a Coping Tool: Exploring the Role of Meme Culture in Navigating Existential Dread. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).