Exploring Adolescents’ Attitude Towards E-Learning- A Sociological Study
Adolescents, Attitude, E-Learning, Blended LearningAbstract
World Health Organization proclaimed COVID-19 a global pandemic in March 2020. Due to this scenario, the closure of university campuses and the switch from in-person instruction and evaluation to online formats have posed new challenges and caused havoc throughout the education sector. Prohibitions were implemented all around the globe, many of which had an adverse effect on educational systems and disrupted the everyday lives of both adults and children. This has most likely been apparent for children and adolescents in the field of education. The recent paradigm shift in education is the most crucial issue regarding learning. Forming a new curriculum and using technology, which gave rise to the idea of e-learning, constitute instances of this change. Numerous issues with students’ participation and motivation have evolved since the advent of e-learning. Therefore, the focus of this research is to explore and contrast gender and stream differences in adolescents’ attitudes towards e-learning. A target group of 50 adolescent students in the age range of 16–19 was selected from different departments of Aligarh Muslim University as respondents to the present research work. The number of respondents was selected by employing a method of simple random sampling. For data collection, the ATEL (Attitude towards E-Learning) scale, standardized by Dimpal Rani was used. Findings from the existing research revealed that the majority of the adolescents had an average level of attitude towards e-learning, but their attitudes varied substantially depending on their streams. Students from science streams possess more favorable attitudes than students from other disciplines. However, there was no difference in the gender of the students.Metrics
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How to Cite
Nabiha Saher, & Farzana Alim. (2022). Exploring Adolescents’ Attitude Towards E-Learning- A Sociological Study. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.25215/1103.186