Journey of an Amputee: Overcoming Limitations and Pursuing Extra-ordinary Sports


  • Dr. Markanda Chandra Dash Chief Prosthetist and Orthotist/ Sr. Manager, Northern Railway Central Hospital, New Delhi
  • Dr. R.K. Manocha Additional Chief Health Director (Orthopaedics), Northern Railway Central Hospital, New Delhi
  • Dr. Priyanka Behera Associate Professor, CIRS, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
  • Dr. Asutosh Kapoor Consultant Orthopaedics Surgeon, Northern Railway Central Hospital, New Delhi



Amputation, Qualitative Case Study, Extreme Sports, Prosthetics, Motivation for Amputees


This qualitative study proposes to explore the journey of a 25-year-old amputee (Anshul Bansal), from his life before amputation to his life after prosthetic fitment. The study aims to investigate the effects of amputation on personal life, the journey of adapting to use of prosthetic limb, and finally the pursuit of sports with prosthetic limb. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview, and thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. The results suggest that the journey of adapting to prosthetic may be challenging and requires a lot of patience, time, and perseverance through multiple trials and errors. Prosthetic fitment can be a life-changing experience. When a person adapts well, prosthetic limb boosts confidence and may enables user to pursue sports like mountaineering and paragliding. The study highlights the importance of motivation, hunger to do more to unleash the real potential of one’s own self despite adversities.


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How to Cite

Dr. Markanda Chandra Dash, Dr. R.K. Manocha, Dr. Priyanka Behera, & Dr. Asutosh Kapoor. (2022). Journey of an Amputee: Overcoming Limitations and Pursuing Extra-ordinary Sports. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(3).