A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Self-Esteem of B.Sc Nursing First Year Students of Haneefa College of Nursing, Sopore J ; K
Self-esteem, Haneefa College, low self-esteem, government policiesAbstract
Self esteem is the inner state of a person to feel worthy, able, respected and valued. Self esteem refers to enjoying the things being what a person is irrespective of his status in the society and roles assigned. It is the person’s ability to know his or her abilities, capacities, capabilities and aptitude. A person must have self respect and esteem for himself or herself but at the same time should not be in the delusion of grandiosity or think himself as superior to others, nor should a person consider others to be inferior. There should be no superiority complex or hatred towards others. This self-esteem should promote confidence but at the same time he or she must have checks on his or her over confidence. Thus, here we quote the years old saying that excess of everything is bad. The nursing job is demanding and stressful and often involves staying away from social life and major occasions within family and society. Moreover, the society in which we are living doesn’t provide so much respect to nursing practitioners thinking that they are just to assist and carry out the advice of medical professionals. However nowadays the scope of the nursing profession has evolved to much extent and has led to a sense of satisfaction among students who enter the profession by choice. However, most of the time they remain unaware about the same till they get acquainted with all areas in which one can practise till they complete their course until then they have their self-esteem on the lower side. Aim ; Objective: The main aim of this study was to assess the level of self esteem among BSc nursing students with an objective to find the association of levels of self esteem of B.Sc Nursing students with their selected demographic variables. Material ; Methods: The study was conducted in the recently established nursing college run under private administration in north kashmir namely Haneefa College of Nursing. The population for the present study were BSc Nursing students and the sample selected were 30 first year students. The sample was selected by non-probability convenient technique as the invigilator was living in the same area. Results: The results of the study revealed that all 30 (100%) were in the age group of greater than 16 years, 25 (83%) were females, the maximum number 13 (43%) wire in the first birth order, the majority 20 (67%) of study subjects reported that their parenting style is permissive. The study revealed that the maximum 26 (87%) of study subjects were from upper class a as per modified BG Prasad scale. The study revealed that the majority 18 (60%) were having low self esteem and 12 (40%) were having self-esteem in the normal level of self-esteem. The mean ± SD value of self-esteem was (14.13 ±2.21), median score was 14.5, maximum score was 17, minimum score was 9 and range was 8.Metrics
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How to Cite
Sheezan Javid, & Noorul Amin. (2022). A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Self-Esteem of B.Sc Nursing First Year Students of Haneefa College of Nursing, Sopore J ; K. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1101.129