Exploring the Impact of Birth Order on Locus of Control


  • Medha Verdhan Student




Birth Order, Locus of Control


This study investigates the disparities in locus of control between two distinct groups, providing insight into the complex correlation between group affiliation and this essential psychological construct. The application of statistical tests uncovered insignificant disparities in the means of locus of control between the groups, while assuming equal variances. However, in cases where assumptions about variances were not made, it was suggested that there may be a divergence in the means, which calls for further examination using a more substantial sample size. Furthermore, irrespective of the assumptions regarding variance, there were no significant disparities observed in the mean locus of control among the groups. As a result, the hypotheses pertaining to these disparities were disproven. The study enhances our comprehension of variations in locus of control among different groups, although limitations including sample size and unaccounted confounding variables are acknowledged. It is recommended that future research endeavors replicate these results with other participant groups and examine plausible mediators or moderators of the effects of group affiliation and locus of control. To summarize, this study highlights the value of meticulous statistical analysis and the necessity for additional research to fully grasp the connection between group affiliation and locus of control, notwithstanding the lack of notable discrepancies.


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How to Cite

Medha Verdhan. (2022). Exploring the Impact of Birth Order on Locus of Control. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.091