Childhood Trauma and Mental Well Being among Young Adults


  • Neonica Chutani Student
  • Dr. Roopali Sharma Assistant Professor



Childhood Trauma, Mental Well Being, Young adults


This study investigated the impact of childhood trauma on the mental well being of young adults through t test and Pearson correlation analysis. The results revealed a statistically significant effect of childhood trauma on young adults’ mental health, indicating that individuals with higher levels of childhood trauma tended to have poorer mental health outcomes. This suggests that early-life adversity can have enduring effects on psychological well-being, affecting young individuals as they transition into adulthood. The Pearson correlation analysis further supported these findings, revealing a strong negative correlation between childhood trauma and mental health. As levels of childhood trauma increased, mental health tended to decline, underscoring the importance of identifying and addressing childhood trauma in understanding and addressing mental health issues in young people. These findings highlight the complex interplay between early experiences and young adult mental health. They underscore the importance of targeted interventions and support systems to mitigate the detrimental effects of early trauma on mental health. Healthcare professionals, policymakers, and support groups can play a crucial role in enhancing the resilience and overall well-being of young people by recognizing and addressing childhood trauma.


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How to Cite

Neonica Chutani, & Dr. Roopali Sharma. (2022). Childhood Trauma and Mental Well Being among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).