Music: The Magic Medicine


  • Saswati Saha Department of Botany, Baruipur College, Purandarpur Math, South 24 Parganas, Baruipur, West Bengal, India.



Human Cognition, Mental Health, Music Therapy, Neurodegenerative Disorders, Neuroplasticity, Raga Chikitsa


Music is an invisible vibration or wave of multiple frequencies which can be felt by the living world and are capable enough to bring about certain changes in the human cognition and behaviour. It can create such an impact in the mind, which chemical drugs alone cannot. According to the string theorist, each and every particle of our whole Universe is in constant motion and vibration of specific frequencies (Cosmic Microwave Background radiation) and so do our Mother Earth (the Schumann resonance, 7.83 Hz) along with its living organisms. According to Sir Nikola Tesla, “if you want to find secrets in the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” The waves either may be constructive or destructive ones along with its frequencies. With this concept various music and sound were used as constructive waves or healing frequencies to heal various ailments. Evidences of these type of healing were specially mentioned in our ancient scriptures like Sama Veda and Gandharva Veda. At that time, even cure for Mana Vikara were mentioned using music therapy by Acharya Charaka and Acharya Sushruta. Now a days, music therapy is being under research in the area of neurodegenerative disorder, psychological dysfunction, better cognition and memory, etc. According to World Health Organization recent report, approximately one billion of the population suffer from various neurodegenerative disorders, out of which 50 million suffer from epilepsy and 24 million from Alzheiners and others from dimensia. Again, in other reports of WHO show that one in every eight people or 970 million people of the whole world is suffering from various mental illness caused by anxiety, trauma, fear, crisis and critical conditions. Scientists, researches and doctors are carrying out thorough research to cure these patients by the application of non-invasive music therapy. Although, in recent decades, various researches eagerly worked upon deciphering the mystery of music to cure certain ailments. Even the bio-chemical mechanism of the signalling pathway causing synaptic neuroplasticity is still under research.


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How to Cite

Saswati Saha. (2022). Music: The Magic Medicine. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).