Future of Education with Work and Life Balance


  • Vidhi Tandon Education Consultant




Education, Work and Life Balance


Skills are frequently advocated as a panacea for economic and convivial ills, and anticipation. Transmuting adeptness needs is visually perceived as playing a key role in ascertaining inculcation and training distribute the right skills. Albeit mechanistic ‘‘manpower planning’’ of edification and training systems from the top down is not a practical possibility in free market economies systematic efforts to peer into the future can avail both policy makers and individuals to make better apprised culls. There are sizably voluminous uncertainties, but many trends and patterns are robust. Edification is not just about preparing people for work but withal about transmuting the path of economic development. Decisions about edification by both policy makers and individuals will influence how the future will unfold.


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How to Cite

Vidhi Tandon. (2022). Future of Education with Work and Life Balance. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.032