Recent Challenges and Research on Quality Education in India


  • Thoshusie Katiry Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Kohima College, Nagaland, India



Quality Education, Challenges, Solutions, Research, Indian Perspective


An effort has been made through this seminar paper to have an idea of the challenges that are being faced in modern times while providing quality education and the current research that is going on this topic. The paper gives an overview of the quality education as UNICEF’s sustainable development goal number four. It tries to answer some specific questions as to why quality education. How to ensure quality education? What are the challenges of implementing quality education? How proper assessment, monitoring, governance, and accountability can help to develop quality education? Can spirituality and morality be of any help in this field? Or the modern technologies like ICT and Artificial Intelligence can assist in this regard? What is the situation of quality education in India? In the end, there will be an attempt to have some suggestions regarding the proper implementation of quality education.


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How to Cite

Thoshusie Katiry. (2022). Recent Challenges and Research on Quality Education in India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).