Academic Satisfaction of Under Graduate Students Towards Educational Networking Through Social Media


  • Judhistir Mallik Research Scholar, Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar.
  • Dr. Neena Dash Assistant Professor, School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University Sambalpur, Odisha.



Academic Satisfaction, Educational Networking, Social Media


Student satisfaction can be defined as a short-term attitude from evaluating the student’s educational experience, service, and facilities. The study aimed to investigate the association between academic satisfaction and educational networking through social media; to study difference in academic satisfaction of undergraduate students by gender and locality. The study used descriptive survey design; conducted on 120 undergraduate students selected through satisfied random sampling. To analyze the data, statistical technique i.e. simple percentage, mean, SD, and t-test were used by the investigator. The main findings revealed the undergraduate students have high level of academic satisfaction. The study observed no significant difference in academic satisfaction by gender variable but a significant difference was found in terms of locale. The findings of the study was discussed in line with the literature.


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How to Cite

Judhistir Mallik, & Dr. Neena Dash. (2022). Academic Satisfaction of Under Graduate Students Towards Educational Networking Through Social Media. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).