Utilizing Arts Based Therapy to Enhance Body image, Self-esteem, Communication skills and Emotions in Mothers with Special Needs Children


  • Dr. Leena Parekh Researcher




Arts Based Therapy, Body image, Self-esteem, Communication Skills, Emotions


The Action research project entailed the application of Arts Based Therapy on a group of mothers with special needs children on a one-on-one basis. The five mothers are in the age group of 43 -51 years. Four of the mothers have a single child and the fifth one has one neuro typical child. Due to the Covid pandemic, these mothers were solely handling the children. They all were fatigued and stressed. The Action Research Project was conducted over a period of 4 months (September, October, November and December 2021). The sessions were conducted on a one-on-one basis of 30-45 minutes duration. The various artistic skills like Body, Rhythm, Voice, Visual art, Games and Exercises were utilized to work on the Therapeutic Domains (TDs) and specific Therapeutic Goals (TGs) identified during the Pilot Project. There was no control group for this study. The ABT interventions showed a positive outcome on the TGs emphasized for this study i.e., body image, communication skills, self-esteem and destructive emotions. It also showed a shift in other domains as well, especially Mindfulness, Expression and Relationships. The study also helped them release their stress and be more relaxed. It helped them look within and brought the focus to themselves, their mental health. Udaan is the first step for these mothers to freedom and each of them have commenced the journey of self- awareness. ABT is not just therapy, it is a lifestyle. It brings changes physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. ABT provides both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, which becomes vital as often the shifts are more subtle than obvious in a shorter duration of the study. We can infer that ABT is an effective holistic intervention for mothers of special needs children to improve body image, self-esteem, communication skills and destructive emotions.


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How to Cite

Dr. Leena Parekh. (2022). Utilizing Arts Based Therapy to Enhance Body image, Self-esteem, Communication skills and Emotions in Mothers with Special Needs Children. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/1104.058