A Comparative Study: Aggression and Psychological Well-being among Athletes and Non-Athletes


  • Ms. Aparna Jha Student (M.A sports Psychology), MYAS GNDU Department of sports sciences and medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Punjab, India




Covid 19, Aggression, Athletes, Non-Athletes, Psychological Well-Being


The pandemic due to Covid– 19 had caused unparalleled disruption on almost everyone in the world regardless of athletes and non-athletes.  The purpose of this study was to assess the level of aggression and psychological well-being during COVID-19 among athletes and non-athletes. It was an explorative survey study with total sample size (N =260) who were divided into two groups Athletes (N= 130,65 males,65 females) and Non- Athletes (N=130, 65 males & 65 females) of 18-25 years age from Guru Nanak Dev University. The Short Form Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and Psychological well-being Questionnaire were used for the assessment. An Independent t-test and pearson correlation was applied to analyze the data. Results revealed that there was a significant difference found in aggression among athletes and non-athletes. But there was no significant difference found on psychological well-being among athletes and non-athletes, because the pandemic has drastically affected the mental health of the people. The correlation analysis among athletes have shown positive relationship with aggression but independent relation with psychological well-being whereas non-athletes are found to be independent on both the variables i.e., psychological well-being and aggression. The another important finding was that there was an inverse relationship of aggression with psychological well -being, among athletes as well as non- athletes. Thus, the finding of this study concluded that COVID -19 has raised aggression among athletes as compare to non-athletes.


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How to Cite

Ms. Aparna Jha. (2022). A Comparative Study: Aggression and Psychological Well-being among Athletes and Non-Athletes. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/1104.055