Pandemic Parenting: A Thematic Analysis


  • Ashley Anna Tom M.Sc Psychology (Clinical), Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Mareena Susan Wesley Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India



Pandemic Parenting, Indian Parenting, Physical Activity, Well-being, Online Education, Depression


With educational institutions and work organizations closing down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have experienced changes in their routines due to increased parental demand. This study explored pandemic parenting and parent perceptions towards family well-being. 11 parents (Female = 7, Male = 4) of children between 2 to 26 years from urban and suburban areas were interviewed using snowball sampling and thematically analyzed. Early child-rearing experiences, spousal involvement, and social support seem to be excellent predictors of parent perception towards pandemic parenting. Parents have adjusted to changed routines, and have distinct outlooks towards the future. Specific positive and negative mediators to parental well-being were also identified. Compared to other studies, Indian parents seem to have adjusted well to the household changes brought about by the pandemic. These findings can be used by community healthcare providers to serve as a basis for creating better parent resources to support their well-being and allay their fears.


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How to Cite

Ashley Anna Tom, & Mareena Susan Wesley. (2022). Pandemic Parenting: A Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 10(3).