Cyberbullying on Social Networks – A Crime in India


  • Aastha Johri Research Scholar
  • Dr. Rajiv Singh Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computing Banasthali Vidhyapeeth, Newai



Cyber Bullying, Machine Learning, Victim, Social Media, Dataset


Cyber bullying on social networks is a serious issue with significant legal and social implications. It involves the use of digital communication tools such as social media platforms, instant messaging, or email to harass, intimidate, or harm others. Cyberbullying can take various forms, including spreading rumors, posting hurtful comments or messages, sharing embarrassing photos or videos, and creating fake profiles or accounts to impersonate or harass someone. From a legal standpoint, cyber bullying may be considered a crime depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the actions. Laws regarding cyber bullying vary from one place to another, but many countries have enacted legislation to address this problem. For instance, some jurisdictions have specific laws that criminalize cyber bullying behaviors, while others may apply existing harassment, stalking, or defamation laws to prosecute cyber bullies. Social media platforms also play a role in combating cyber bullying by implementing policies and mechanisms to address abusive behavior. They often provide users with tools to report harassment and abuse, and may take action such as suspending or banning accounts that violate their community guidelines. In addition to legal measures and platform policies, raising awareness about the consequences of cyber bullying and promoting digital citizenship and empathy are important steps in preventing and addressing this issue. Educating individuals, especially young people, about responsible online behavior and fostering a culture of respect and kindness can help create safer online environments for everyone.


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How to Cite

Aastha Johri, & Dr. Rajiv Singh. (2024). Cyberbullying on Social Networks – A Crime in India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(3).