To Explore the Associations between Different Personality Patterns and Empathy among Adults


  • Rahul Pal Research Scholar



Empathy, Big Five Personality, Short Dark Triad traits, Demographic Details


This study aimed to identify the association between the Big Five personality traits, the Three Dark. Triad traits and Empathy. Objective of the Study: 1. To understand the relation- ship between the Big Five personality and Empathy. 2. To understand the relationship between Three Dark triads and Empathy. 3. To understand the relationship between demographic variables and Empathy. Significance: This study is essential in bringing out the nature of personality and the effects of different demographic variables on empathy behavior in different social con- texts. With the help of different psychological tools, this research pointed out different personality aspects necessary for healthy and empathetic relationships among human beings. Furthermore, this study tried to reveal how to measure individual differences in empathic processing optimally. This present study was designed to establish a relationship between Big Five Personality, Short Dark Triads, and Empathy among random students from the Indian Subcontinent. We found that agreeableness and openness are the most important predictors of Empathy (measured by EQ). This study’s result supported the hypothesis that agreeableness, openness, extroversion, conscientious- ness, and emotional stability positively correlate with Empathy; dark triad traits are negatively correlated with Empathy, and females are more empathetic than males. Tools Used: Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) by S. D. Gosling, P. J. Rentfrow, and W. B. Swann Jr., Short Dark Triad Personality Inventory by Atkinson Baughman, Veselka, and Vernon, Empathy Quotient by Baron and Cohen.


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How to Cite

Rahul Pal. (2024). To Explore the Associations between Different Personality Patterns and Empathy among Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(3).