Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression in an Adult: A Clinical Case Study
Depression, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Treatment Outcome, Case ReportAbstract
World Health Organization (WHO) reported, depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in the mental health field. Depression is various from habitual mood swings and short lived emotional responses to challenges in day to day life. Although strong evidence of supports that cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. The patient is a 22-year elderly a male which pre-treatment give a diagnosis of severe depressive symptoms without psychotic (based on case history + MSE + ICD-10 + BDI-II), low mood, frequently crying spell and suicidal ideation, highly dysfunctional attitudes and also decreased sleep and appetite. The CBT Treatment consisted of 12 standard individual therapy sessions. In this study used a case study method and also used the qualitative as well as quantitative data for the case is presented using self-report instruments or clinical case notes. Treatment effects such as his mood over the course of treatment was assessed using Beck Depression Inventory and after 6 months of follow up. Also enhancing his mood was accompanied by a reduction in dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about self and relationship. Additionally, the patient was reported an improvement in his mood, Activity of Daily Living (ADL) functioning as well as socialization.Metrics
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How to Cite
Mr. Narsinh Chaudhary. (2024). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression in an Adult: A Clinical Case Study. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(3).