The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Therapy on Post- Partum Depression among New Mothers


  • Dr. Amrapali Jogdand Post-doctoral research fellow (ICSSR Delhi), India
  • Dr. Ishwar Waghmare M.B.B.S, Obstetrics and Gynecology (DGO), India



Post-partum Depression, Mindfulness therapy


In the postpartum period, many women have moderate-to-severe depression, for which medication is frequently the first-line treatment. Because of the possibility for severe effects on their newborn, many breastfeeding moms are hesitant to raise their dose or seek further medicine, despite an incomplete response. For complete symptom remission, these mothers are responsive to non-pharmacological treatments. The goal of this study was to see if an eight-week mindfulness therapy intervention might be used as an additional treatment for postpartum depression. Women were recruited at a maternity hospital’s outpatient reproductive mental health clinic. Within the first year after childbirth, the participants were diagnosed with postpartum depression. Hypothesis: –1) Mindfulness therapy would be effective in reducing post-partum depression in new mothers. 2) Mindfulness therapy would be effective in mental health of new mothers. Sample: The present study carried out on 30 mothers of new born children with post-partum depression at Aurangabad city, ranging age between 25-30 years. Research design: Pre-test and post-test research design was used for present research. Tools: Bek’s Depression inventory, Mindfulness therapy.


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How to Cite

Dr. Amrapali Jogdand, & Dr. Ishwar Waghmare. (2022). The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Therapy on Post- Partum Depression among New Mothers. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 10(2).