The Prevalence of Bed-Time Procrastination and Internet-Usage among Adolescent Students


  • Dr. Archana Shukla Associate Professor, Head of the Department University of Lucknow.
  • Jaya Mishra Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Lucknow.



Procrastination, Bed-Time Procrastination, Internet Usage, Adolescent Students


The present study attempts to cast a glance at the relationship of Bed-Time Procrastination and Internet Usage among Adolescent Students. A great deal of research on the common and detrimental phenomena of Procrastination focuses on academic behavior. Furthermore, Procrastination can adversely impact bed- time habits and other health-related behaviors. Research has shown that Procrastination significantly affects the relationship between sleep deprivation and the individual’s well-being. In this study, 100 Adolescent students were selected from University of Lucknow through Purposive Sampling, General Procrastination scale by Lodha, 2016, Bed-Time Procrastination was assessed through self-report questionnaire by, 2014, Internet- Usage was assessed through Saini & Kaur, 2016. Results indicate that Bed-Time Procrastination and Internet Usage have positive significant relationship. Further gender difference was measured for Procrastination, Bed-time Procrastination and Internet-Usage, where males are high on Procrastination and Internet Usage than females and females are high on Bed-time Procrastination than males.


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How to Cite

Dr. Archana Shukla, & Jaya Mishra. (2022). The Prevalence of Bed-Time Procrastination and Internet-Usage among Adolescent Students. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(3).