Association between Narrative Coherence, Identity Styles, and Satisfaction with Life in Young Adults


  • Shreya Shankar Department of Clinical Psychology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India
  • Kavyashree KB Department of Clinical Psychology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India



Narrative Coherence, Identity Processing Styles, Satisfaction with Life, Narrative Therapy


As telling stories is an essential part of our lives, narrative coherence has important links to mental well-being, such as life satisfaction and identity construction. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the relationship between narrative coherence, identity styles, and satisfaction with life. A sample of 61 individuals aged between 18 and 25 were selected for the study, involving questionnaires and an interview. From the results, it was found that narrative coherence has a positive relationship with informational identity style, a negative relationship with normative identity style, and no correlation with diffuse-avoidant identity style. Informational and normative identity styles could predict narrative coherence. Furthermore, it was found that narrative coherence could predict life satisfaction. These findings have significant implications for psychotherapy.


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How to Cite

Shreya Shankar, & Kavyashree KB. (2022). Association between Narrative Coherence, Identity Styles, and Satisfaction with Life in Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(3).