Test Form, Gender and Intellectual Performance in the Original and Adapted Terman-Cesselin Tests for Pupils in Ivory Coast


  • Franck Gustave KOFFI
  • Hassan Guy Roger TIEFFI
  • Bi Tra Grégoire GALA Doctoral Student in Psychology, Félix Houphouët BOIGNY University of Abidjan Cocody
  • Kouassi Romain KOUADIO Counselling Psychologist




Adaptation, Terman Cesselin, Sex, Version of A Psychological Test, Original Test, Adapted Test


The aim of the study was to examine the influence of different forms of a psychological test on the intellectual performance of Ivorian pupils of different sexes.  Sixty pupils, including thirty (30) boys and thirty (30) girls from the same CM1 (Cours Moyen 1re Année) class aged between 8 and 14, took part in the study. The relevance of the adaptations made was measured using two intelligence tests, the Terman-Cesselin (original test) and the Terman-Cesselin Afrique (adapted test). The results obtained using SPSS 20.0 software showed that adapting the Terman Cesselin to the Ivorian environment had a real impact on pupils’ intellectual performance. They also show that the intellectual performance of girls on the adapted Terman Cesselin is higher than that of boys on the original Terman Cesselin. This information could help test practitioners in their choice of assessment instruments for the pupils in their care.


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How to Cite

Franck Gustave KOFFI, Hassan Guy Roger TIEFFI, Bi Tra Grégoire GALA, & Kouassi Romain KOUADIO. (2022). Test Form, Gender and Intellectual Performance in the Original and Adapted Terman-Cesselin Tests for Pupils in Ivory Coast. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.002