Comprehensive Review on Paraphilic Tendencies Among Indian Females Adults


  • Ms. Tanya Kesarwani Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Dr. Chhaya Gupta Assistant Professor, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India.



Paraphilia, Sexual Interest, Non-Consensual Fantasies, Deviant Behaviour


Paraphilias are the sexual attractions, cravings, fantasies, or highly intense behaviors with things, activities, or even scenarios that defy expectations. When the behaviors are linked to non-consenting individuals, harm one-self or others, or transgress legal and social norms, they become offensive. They can also be characterized by a persistent and distressing nature, a high risk of recidivism, the severity of paraphilic interests, and co-occurring mental health issues. The primary objective of this review paper was to investigate the ways that adult Indian women exhibit paraphilic tendencies. Secondly, to identify and investigate the various ways that paraphilic interests and tendencies are observed in females, as well as to comprehend the causative elements of the formation of paraphilic tendencies. It has previously been identified that the libido/sex drive and psycho-analytic perspective (Sigmund Freud) intricate the complex interactions between sexual desire, arousal patterns, and unusual or abnormal sexual preferences. These tendencies can take many different forms, including fetishes, nonconsensual fantasies (such exhibitionism or voyeurism), or engaging in non-human object sex. Factors related to anticipation and social desirability may distort these results. To develop an intervention strategy for paraphilia in the early stages and to recognize the significance of upsetting situations in public or unhealthy conduct. The impact these deviant acts have on children who witness them or on those around them who feel apprehensive.


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How to Cite

Ms. Tanya Kesarwani, & Dr. Chhaya Gupta. (2022). Comprehensive Review on Paraphilic Tendencies Among Indian Females Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).