Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Counseling


  • Karma Lhamo B.A (H) Psychology Graduate, University of Delhi, Delhi, India



Professional Psychological Help, Mental Health, College Students


The negative attitudes of people towards seeking professional help for mental health issues have been a persistent challenge in promoting access to mental health services. The purpose of the present study is to explore the attitudes of college students toward seeking professional psychological help, with a particular focus on differences between psychology majors and students majoring in other subjects. A total of 250 college students, including 125 college students majoring in psychology and the other 125 majoring in non-psychology subjects, completed a self-report survey-Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale-Short Form (ATSPPHS-SF), measuring their attitudes toward seeking psychological help. The results indicated that psychology majors had a more positive attitude towards seeking professional psychological help compared to students majoring in other subjects. These findings have important implications for mental health providers, educators, and policy-makers, as they suggest that interventions to promote positive attitudes toward seeking psychological help may be most effective when targeted toward specific populations, such as students in certain academic programs.


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How to Cite

Karma Lhamo. (2022). Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Counseling. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).