A Comparative Study of Occupational Stress between Female Doctors Working in Private and Government Hospitals


  • Sonia Pathak Khemariya Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P), India
  • Dr. Yogendra Verma Vijararaje Govt Girls College Morar, Gwalior (M.P), India
  • Dr. Razi Faraz Khan M.L.B College of Arts and Commerce, Gwalior (M.P), India




Occupational Stress, Private Hospital, Government Hospital, Female Doctors


Though the word “stress” doesn’t sound healthy, it exists in everybody life and unfortunately cannot be avoided totally. However, human beings are obliged to deal with it for their whole life. The relationship of Occupation and stress has a strong connection since both plays an important role in one’s life. The Occupational stress has affected all the professionals whether its teachers, managers, doctors, lawyer etc. High Occupational stress found to be caused due to many factors among which ‘working sector’ is one of them. Therefore, this present study is conducted in order to find out the effect of working sector on Occupational stress of female Doctors working in private and government hospitals of Gwalior. To collect the data on Occupational Stress, standardized OSI constructed by A.K Srivastav & Singh (1984) was distributed among the randomly selected 40 participants including 20 private hospital female doctors and 20 government hospital female doctors between the age group of 25 -55 years. The data collected was statistically analyzed on excel sheet by finding mean, variance and z test. z- test is used because the sample size chosen for the study is more than thirty. According to the results, there was a no significant difference seen between the mean of two groups, studied and analyzed on their Occupational stress scores. The p value (0.3776) found to be greater than 0.05 at .05 % level. Also, both the groups found to have moderate level of Occupational stress, following the principles of normal distribution.


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How to Cite

Sonia Pathak Khemariya, Dr. Yogendra Verma, & Dr. Razi Faraz Khan. (2022). A Comparative Study of Occupational Stress between Female Doctors Working in Private and Government Hospitals. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.142