The Repercussions of Technology and Social Media on Mental Health of Women


  • Chinky Upadhyaya Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Raghunath Girls PG College Meerut, India



Women, Cyber Crime, Social media


Although technology is a blessing and social media gives them an opportunity to reconnect with the old friends but it also has certain negative aspects. The anti-social elements are constantly on prowl to target women who seem vulnerable to them. They target women not only on Facebook Instagram but also on matrimonial websites. Disclosing personal information on social media makes people particularly women more vulnerable to cyber bullying, trolling and other crimes of gruesome nature. There are plethora of laws in our country which safeguard the rights and security of women but despite these laws there is a proliferation in crimes against women. (Halder & Jaishankar, 2008, 2009, 2011b). This paper attempts to find out the various reasons behind the fact as to why Indian women are being victimized.


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How to Cite

Chinky Upadhyaya. (2022). The Repercussions of Technology and Social Media on Mental Health of Women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).