Relationship between Altruism and Self-Efficacy among Young Adults


  • Smridhi Gupta Student, Amity Institute of Psychology, and allied sciences, AUUP, Noida, India
  • Nikhilraj Kola Assistant Professor- I, Amity Institute of Psychology, and allied sciences, AUUP, Noida, India



Altruism, Self-Efficacy, Young Adults, Positive Psychology


This study investigates the relationship between Self- efficacy and Altruism among young adults (18-25). The goal of the study is to contribute to the growing body of literature on positive psychological traits and their influence on the psychological well-being of young adults. The hypothesis posits that there is a significant relationship between altruism and self-efficacy, suggesting that individuals who frequently engage in altruistic actions may exhibit higher levels of self-efficacy. A sample of 151 young adults consented to be a part of this exploratory research. The research employs quantitative methods, utilizing validated instruments to measure altruistic tendencies and self-efficacy levels among the participants. The scales employed were self- report altruism scale (SRA) and General Self– Efficacy Scale (GSE). The findings from this study may have implications for interventions and programs aimed at fostering positive psychological development in young adults, highlighting the potential benefits of altruistic behavior on individuals’ beliefs in their own abilities to navigate life’s challenges.


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How to Cite

Smridhi Gupta, & Nikhilraj Kola. (2022). Relationship between Altruism and Self-Efficacy among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).