Long- term Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Stress: A Comparative Study


  • Siya Arora Student, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida
  • Dr. Alisha Juneja Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida




COVID-19, parental stress, Parental Stress Scale


This study investigates the enduring effects of COVID-19 on parental stress by comparing parents who contracted the virus with those who did not. A total of 120 participants, 60 in each group (those who contracted COVID-19 and those who did not), were surveyed using the Parental Stress Scale developed by Berry and Jones. The sample was collected using purposive sampling. Statistical analysis, employing the T-test, revealed significant differences in parental stress levels between the two groups. Findings suggest that parents who contracted COVID-19 experienced a prolonged elevation in parental stress levels compared to unaffected parents. These results underscore the importance of addressing and supporting parental well-being in the aftermath of pandemic-related challenges.


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How to Cite

Siya Arora, & Dr. Alisha Juneja. (2022). Long- term Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Stress: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.228