Personality Traits as Predictors of Orthorexic Eating Behaviors in Working Women


  • Jaanvi Harnal Student, School of Liberal Arts and Management, DIT University, (Mussoorie, Diversion Road, Makka Wala, Uttarakhand
  • Dr. Monika Srivastava Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Management, DIT University (Mussoorie, Diversion Road, Makka Wala, Uttarakhand



Orthorexia Nervosa, Personality Traits, Emotional Neglect, Eating Disorders, Orthorexic Eating Behaviors


Orthorexic Eating Behaviors, a pathological fixation towards healthy eating, can be influenced by various Personality Traits. Therefore, the present study explores the Personality Traits as predictors of Orthorexic Eating Behaviors among working women aged 21-50 in the northern region of India. A total of N=110 participants were initially screened for Orthorexic Eating Behavior tendencies using the ORTO-15 tool, resulting in a final sample of N=87. The ORTO15 (Donini et al., 2005) tool was utilized to assess Orthorexic Eating Behaviors, while the Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999) was used to evaluate Personality Traits. Results from Correlation analyses reveal that Conscientiousness (C) (r= -.13, p= .112), Extraversion (E) (r= -.10, p= .160), Agreeableness (A) (r= -.05, p= .312), and Neuroticism (N) (r= -.05, p= .294) did not reveal significant associations with Orthorexic Eating Behaviors, whereas Openness to Experience (OTE) (r= -.20, p= .005) demonstrate a significant negative correlation. Regression analysis further indicates that only Openness to Experience (OTE) (β= -.203, p= .005) emerge as a significant negative predictor of Orthorexic Eating Behaviors. The findings of Openness to experience are consistent with previous literatures suggesting that individuals scoring high on this dimension are more adaptable to diverse eating patterns and be less prone to rigid dietary restrictions.


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How to Cite

Jaanvi Harnal, & Dr. Monika Srivastava. (2022). Personality Traits as Predictors of Orthorexic Eating Behaviors in Working Women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).